10,770 registrants

ProZ.com 2015 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2015

Conference recap


Date: Sep 30, 2015
Registrants: 10,770
Attendees: 6,734
Sessions: 24


Group discussion

Chat Room

Time: 10:00 to 21:00

10-tip survival kit for professional translators/interpreters

Time: 10:10 to 10:55

Understanding Your Client: Is Your Client Always Right?

Time: 10:15 to 11:35

How to Sell More: Effective Sales Strategies for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 11:00 to 12:10
Group discussion

Literary Translation Chat

Time: 11:40 to 12:40

The Future is Here. Are You Ready To Remain Competitive?

Time: 11:40 to 12:55

Translation Project Management, CRM, Budgeting and Competitiveness, Business Strategy

Time: 12:15 to 12:45

Leveraging voice recognition technology for greater efficiency panel

Time: 13:00 to 14:00

How to perform keyword research for web translation

Time: 13:50 to 14:30

The beauty of machine translation

Time: 14:05 to 15:00
Group discussion

Audiovisual translation Chat

Time: 14:10 to 14:50

"How to be a great Mentor on ProZ.com"

Time: 14:35 to 15:25

Customer Relationship Management panel

Time: 15:10 to 16:10

Tackling the Japanese translation market

Time: 15:35 to 16:20
Group discussion

Sociology of Translators Chat

Time: 15:40 to 16:25

Translators as entrepreneurs - how to be enterprising!

Time: 16:15 to 17:10

Medical terminology: useful hints on confused terms and pitfalls

Time: 16:25 to 17:15

Glossary & Terminology

Time: 17:20 to 18:20

Is That Translation or Interpreting? The Emerging Market for Hybrid Communication Models

Time: 17:25 to 18:40

Find direct clients and run a business that you love

Time: 18:25 to 19:55
Group discussion

Localization issues

Time: 18:30 to 19:10

Central European Translation Market Survey

Time: 18:45 to 20:00

Getting in the game: How to for translation beginners

Time: 10:00 to 11:00

Information System for Quality Assurance in Translation, Education and Management

Time: 16:00 to 17:00

Conference feedback

I like this kind of conferences. Quite good!

Enrique F Granados-González
Member since: Jul 4, 2011

My best thanks. The event was very useful.
Elcio Carillo

Elcio Carillo
Member since: Feb 21, 2009

It was a very enlightining event, thank you for providing us with such opportunity

Great and awesome event. I invite all fellow interpreters never to miss such great event and to meet like minded fellows.

Highly motivating and educative! The best forum where translators are able to interact and exchange ideas. Can't wait for next year's event.

Olayemi Olabenjo
Member since: Sep 14, 2005

Thank you for this great event! I truly appreciate the effort it takes to organize the Conference every year. I could only attend a few sessions for a while, so I can't wait to watch the recordings -- most likely over the weekend. The speakers were highly knowledgeable and I'm sure their tips and tricks will be very useful for many of us in the long run. Thanks again!

María González, M.A. English
Member since: Jan 1

Leave feedback → - View all feedback →

Search chat logs


Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All @Elizabeth, yes you can use a companies TM if they provide you with one.
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All [email protected]
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All Hi Steve
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All c'est la solution queje recommanderais
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Et j'ai trop peur de perdre toutes ma traduction donc, j'arrête de l'utiliser et copie les phrases deja traduites une a une dans un dossier Word pour finir ma traduc.
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All please feel free nto email me
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Si je vous écris les soluces proposées par votre confrère, pouvez-vous m'aider à les comprendre ?
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Laura Ester Hernández: 1056313 All merci again...bye!
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Elizabeth Kulikov: 1806613 All so that is why some companies/clients may require the work done on trados? So they can send you their database because they want it translated a certain way?
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All Hi William, my email address is [email protected]
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All That is great, thank you. I will be buying a new laptop over the next few months anyway so I might just wait till then to avoid any serious issues. I am so happy with Trados 7 and TagEditor but am very aware that some of my bigger clients are in the process of moving over too.
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All de rien
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All did you see my last message to your on the main message board?
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Workaround Option 1: 1. Keep sdlliff file open: Warehouse level of protection.pdf_en-US_it-IT.sdlxliff 2. Still ensure always process hyperlinks is enabled under PDF filter 3. Select all segments and clear all target segments 4. Reapply TM via manual segment for segment/automation.Not via Batch tasks 5. Once its been translated try save targe as.File saves back
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All Thanks Steve, it's just a gripe I have about analysis
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All And no, I missed it I'm afraid
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Workaround Options 2: 1. Under the PDF filter options, disable always process hyperlink 2. Open Warehouse level of protection.pdf_en-US_it-IT.sdlxliff 3. File - batch tasks - Pre-Translate 4. File - Save target as. It works ignore the PDF bit - just apply it to your file...
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All Problem with these chats where you cant scroll back
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All C'est du charabia pour moi, tout ça et pourtant, j'ai pas mal étudié les autres logiciels il y a longtemps
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All I am there to help
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All So keep my email and when you are ready to go for it
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All I tried a side-to-side approach with Wordfast some time ago (not that I am comparing the actual software) and I really found that I worked slower. I suppose all our brains are different and some work faster in one way and others in the other. I am committed to SDL though and I will buy the first version that has this format!
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All c'est très technique
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All C'est bien ce que j'ai compris.
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All d'où ma recommandation de majorer vers une version plus récente de Word