Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Türkçe term or phrase:
lezyon saptanmamıştır
İngilizce translation:
no lesions were found
Türkçe term
lezyon saptanmamıştır
Prepontin sisterna, serebello-pontin sisternalar, bazal sisternalar açıktır.
Her iki serebral hemisferlerde kitle, iskemik veya hemorajik lezyon saptanmamıştır.
Bazal ganglionlar, talamus kapsüla ınterna ve eksterna dansitesi tabiidir.
Her iki lateral, III. ve IV. lateral ventrikküller normal konum, şekil ve büyüklüktedir.
Sfenoid sinus sağ komponentinde mukozal kalınlaşma ile uyumlu yumuşak doku yoğunlukları.
Kemik yapıları ve diğer sınüslere ait patoloji saptanmamıştır.
d target country, dialects, etc.
Proposed translations
no lesions were found
More detailed examination is possible at the laboratory, and TB may be confirmed if seen under the microscope or grown in the laboratory from animals where no lesions were found.
....hemorrhagic lesion were not detected.
agree |
Recep Kurt
: "lesions were not detected"
24 dakika
agree |
Nigar Mancini
44 dakika
no lesion has been identified
Note added at 5 dakika (2012-02-20 15:24:36 GMT)
lesion is undetected
agree |
Duygu Cakal (X)
22 dakika
Teşekkür ederim duygu.
no lesions detected
Her iki serebral hemisferlerde kitle, iskemik veya hemorajik lezyon saptanmamıştır= No mass, ischemic or hemorrhagic lesions detected in both cerebral hemispheres.
agree |
Nigar Mancini
20 dakika
Teşekkür ederim
agree |
umityakupdur (X)
27 dakika
Teşekkür ederim
No mass, ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion was detected in both hemispheres.
No lesions has been diagnosed
Note added at 4 hrs (2012-02-20 19:28:45 GMT)
In consideration of medical terminolgy this question was aked about, I have made above definition to have stuck to what dear Asked has intended to acquire, I guess.
Something went wrong...