Glossary entry

Türkçe term or phrase:

çalışma hemşiresi (doktoru)

İngilizce translation:

study nurse (doctor)

Added to glossary by Aziz Kural
Mar 5, 2019 04:32
5 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Türkçe term

çalışma hemşiresi (doktoru)

Türkçe > İngilizce Tıp Tıp (genel) Questionnaire / Pegvaliase
Online anket ve doz günlüğü ile ilgili

Bu uyarıyı konuşmak için lütfen çalışma doktorunuz veya hemşireniz ile görüşün.


Proposed translations

5 dakika

study nurse (doctor)

study/trial nurse

"Who will know that I am in the study? The study doctor and nurse who are taking care of you will know, as well as your parents or carers"

"Your study doctor and nurse will discuss the events and procedures with you in detail before starting the study, usually over several visits"

"Your study doctor and nurse will watch you closely for changes in your ability to breathe and for other signs or symptoms that might show you.."



Bkz. information sheet...
Note from asker:
Teşekkürler Sayın Kurt...
Peer comment(s):

agree Selma Dogan
49 dakika
agree Ümit DURAL
5 saat
agree Elif Baykara Narbay
5 saat
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Teşekkürler"
2 saat

labour physician or nurse

A labour physician in Liechtenstein currently examines employees upon the request of businesses.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Elif Baykara Narbay : Labour physician ifadesi bana çok yabancı. Her durumda bu bağlam içerisinde doğru değil.
3 saat
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