Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Türkçe term or phrase:
Nitelikli dolandırıcılık
İngilizce translation:
Aggravated fraud
Added to glossary by
Özden Arıkan
Feb 15, 2007 16:39
17 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Türkçe term
nitelikli dolandircilik (dolandircilar)
Türkçe > İngilizce
Hukuk (genel)
A court indictment. Could "nitelikli" refer to "white collar crime"? Context seems to have been banking embezzlement.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
22 dakika
Aggravated fraud
* Aggravated fraud with a penalty of two to seven years of imprisonment is envisaged in Article 158 (TURKISH PENAL CODE /Number :5237)
* TÜRK CEZA KANUNU / Kanun No. 5237
Nitelikli dolandırıcılık - MADDE 158.
Note added at 51 mins (2007-02-15 17:31:52 GMT)
** qualified swindling with falsification of documents
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 11:59:20 GMT)
Another example :
Turkish : Hırsızlık (article 141) and Nitelikli hırsızlık (Article 142)
English : Theft and Aggravated theft
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:00:03 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:01:46 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:04:09 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:05:50 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:06:55 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- Code Aggravated Fr...
* TÜRK CEZA KANUNU / Kanun No. 5237
Nitelikli dolandırıcılık - MADDE 158.
Note added at 51 mins (2007-02-15 17:31:52 GMT)
** qualified swindling with falsification of documents
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 11:59:20 GMT)
Another example :
Turkish : Hırsızlık (article 141) and Nitelikli hırsızlık (Article 142)
English : Theft and Aggravated theft
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:00:03 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:01:46 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:04:09 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:05:50 GMT)
Note added at 19 hrs (2007-02-16 12:06:55 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- Code Aggravated Fr...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Sag olun!"
14 dakika
major embezzlement (embezzlers)
I have come across this term frequently in banking investigation reports. Just as you have mentioned, a Turkish bank prefers the term "embezzlement" and "embezzlers". Also, there are many sites mentioning "nitelikli" as "major" on google.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Mehmet Hascan
: embezzlement : zimmet, swindling / fraud : dolandırıcılık
40 dakika
I already know that embezzlement means "zimete para geçirme", however, the banking context requires the term "embezzlement" since it is the type of fraud mostly encountered in the reports I have previously mentioned.
neutral |
Faruk Atabeyli
: embezzelment includes only money not all aspects of fraud
1 saat
neutral |
: rüşvet, zimmet ve irtikap memurlara özgü suçlardır. bankacılıkta dolandırıcılık çok daha geniş kapsamlı.
1 saat
bana da öyle geldi birden
neutral |
Serkan Doğan
: embezzlement, tam oturmamış sanki
2 saat
bana da öyle geldi birden
neutral |
Taner Göde
: Baktım ki herkes nötr takılıyo, ben de Sümerbank'ın eski sahibinin tüm haberlerini çevirdiğim için aşağıdaki cevaba katıldım. Curiosity Killed The Cat.
3 saat
6 dakika
major/qualified swindle (swindlers)
major/qualified swindle (swindlers)
Note added at 9 mins (2007-02-15 16:49:27 GMT)
Hi Louis, "nitelikli" literally means "qualified", and such actions/offences to be committed by "qualified" persons, with either positive or negative meaning, in your case. "Dolandırıcılık" means fraudulent act, namely swindle.
Note added at 16 mins (2007-02-15 16:55:55 GMT)
White-collar crimes are those crimes specifically performed by professional workers. They include certain forms of fraud, insider trading, embezzlement and forgery. Such crimes are often contrasted against violent crimes (such as rape or murder) or blue-collar crime (such as vandalism or shop-lifting). The term derives from the characteristic white-collar shirts worn by lawyers, bankers and other professionals associated with such crimes.
White-collar workers are employees who perform clerical or knowledge work, such as those in clerical, professional, managerial or administrative positions, in contrast to blue-collar workers, who do manual work.
The name derives from the traditional white, button down shirts worn by workers of such professions. As white shirts are easily soiled, these workers do not do manual labor.
Formerly a minority in the agrarian and early industrial societies, the recent technological revolution has created disproportionatly more Desk jobs while America has experienced a decline in manufacturing. Generally, the pay rate is higher among white-collar workers, although many of the "white- collar" workers are not necessarily upper class as the term once implied.
In this sense, a qualified swindler does not need to be "well-trained" or "educated" to be qualified. S/he can acquire some valuable information, from many other ways, in order to commit such qualified actions.
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-15 19:11:10 GMT)
Pls see a previous proz question below:
Note added at 9 mins (2007-02-15 16:49:27 GMT)
Hi Louis, "nitelikli" literally means "qualified", and such actions/offences to be committed by "qualified" persons, with either positive or negative meaning, in your case. "Dolandırıcılık" means fraudulent act, namely swindle.
Note added at 16 mins (2007-02-15 16:55:55 GMT)
White-collar crimes are those crimes specifically performed by professional workers. They include certain forms of fraud, insider trading, embezzlement and forgery. Such crimes are often contrasted against violent crimes (such as rape or murder) or blue-collar crime (such as vandalism or shop-lifting). The term derives from the characteristic white-collar shirts worn by lawyers, bankers and other professionals associated with such crimes.
White-collar workers are employees who perform clerical or knowledge work, such as those in clerical, professional, managerial or administrative positions, in contrast to blue-collar workers, who do manual work.
The name derives from the traditional white, button down shirts worn by workers of such professions. As white shirts are easily soiled, these workers do not do manual labor.
Formerly a minority in the agrarian and early industrial societies, the recent technological revolution has created disproportionatly more Desk jobs while America has experienced a decline in manufacturing. Generally, the pay rate is higher among white-collar workers, although many of the "white- collar" workers are not necessarily upper class as the term once implied.
In this sense, a qualified swindler does not need to be "well-trained" or "educated" to be qualified. S/he can acquire some valuable information, from many other ways, in order to commit such qualified actions.
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-15 19:11:10 GMT)
Pls see a previous proz question below:
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Taner Göde
: Bu Yurtbank, Sümerbank gibi devlet babanın özelleştirdiği, sonra da zararını kapatmak için hazineden/bütçeden para akıttığı terbiyesizlerin haberlerini tercüme ederken ben daha çok "Major" kullanmıştım.
3 saat
teşekkürler, ben de ülkenin en büyük (ses getiren) banka soygunlarının davalarında bu ifadeleri kullandım
agree |
Nizamettin Yigit
: ifade doğru olsa da, ismi geçen şirketlere cevap hakkı doğmuş. :)
4 saat
teşekkürler. kim bilir, belki iltifat addederler..
15 saat
serious fraud (fraudster)
En az İngiltere'de böyle geçer:
Note added at 16 hrs (2007-02-16 08:57:19 GMT)
Also used in the US: appears highlighted in yellow in this court ruling:
Note added at 16 hrs (2007-02-16 08:57:19 GMT)
Also used in the US: appears highlighted in yellow in this court ruling:
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Mehmet Hascan
1 saat
18 saat
bank fraud
In connection with such cases, you should consider having the one-to-one translation of this indictment, or, what it means for the target language readers.
I believe this phrase covers the meaning of the indictment referred above according to US law.
I believe this phrase covers the meaning of the indictment referred above according to US law.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Mehmet Hascan
: including but not limited to. pls. see
33 dakika
Phrase is proposed according to the meaning in the context. Your reference is already checked.
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