Üyelik tarihi: Jun '06

Çalışılan diller:
İngilizce > Türkçe
Türkçe > İngilizce

a solid touch to translation...

Izmir, Izmir, Türkiye
Yerel saat: 12:56 +03 (GMT+3)

Anadili: İngilizce Native in İngilizce, Türkçe Native in Türkçe
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
16 positive reviews

 Your feedback
What chevirmen is working on
Aug 28, 2019 (posted via ProZ.com):  High Speed Train Projects ...more »
Total word count: 0

Kullanıcı mesajı
Ars longa, vita brevis...
Hesap türü Bağımsız hizmet veren yazılı ve/veya sözlü çevirmen, Identity Verified Kimliği doğrulanmış üye
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Bağlantılar This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Hizmetler Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Desktop publishing, Project management, Operations management
Uzmanlık alanları:
Hukuk: Sözleşme(ler)Havacılık & Uzay / Havacılık / Uzay
Askerlik / SavunmaMekanik / Makine Mühendisliği
Enerji / Güç Üretimiİşletme/Ticaret (genel)
Kamu Yönetimi / SiyasetBilgisayar: Donanım
Bilgisayar (genel)Finans (genel)


KudoZ faaliyetleri (PRO) PRO puanları: 1007, Yanıtlanan sorular: 571, Sorulan sorular: 21
Proje Geçmişi 9 proje eklendi    3 (işverenden alınan olumlu geribildirim sayısı)

Bu kullanıcı tarafından girilen Blue Board girişleri  9 giriş

Payment methods accepted Banka transferi, Visa, Wise Transfer
Portföy Sunulan örnek çeviri sayısı: 1
Sözlükler Arts, Business, Computers, Daily, Energy, Geology / Mining, Law, Maritime, Mathematics , Mechanics

Çeviri eğitimi Bachelor's degree - TAFA Industrial Engineering
Deneyim Deneyim (yıl): 21. ProZ.com’a kayıt tarihi: Nov 2005. Üye olma tarihi: Jun 2006.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Sertifikalar İngilizce > Türkçe (11th Notary Public, Ankara)
Türkçe > İngilizce (11th Notary Public, Ankara)
İngilizce > Türkçe (OSYM, verified)
Üyelikler ATA
Yazılım Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Alchemy Publisher, AutoCAD, Catalyst, Frontpage, Indesign, LocStudio, memoQ, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abby Fine Reader, Infix , MS LocStudio, Office 2007, Office 2011, Solid Converter, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Powwows attended
Profesyonellik chevirmen bu kurallara uyacağını taahhüt etmektedir: ProZ.com's Profesyonellik İlkeleri (v1.1).
A translator with solid skills in Legal and Technical translation including high-end experience in;

Contracts, Engineering (esp. Power Generation and associated fields such as mechanical, electrical, PLC, transmission, communication plus IT, website, software localization) Life Sciences (Medicine, Agriculture, Farming, Biochemistry) Legal (together with ongoing Law School education - court papers, arbitration documents, settlements, all types of certificates etc.)

Wholesales/Retailing/Marketing (particularly business development, research studies, advertisement materials, brand management, brand adaptation, marketing, sales, exhibition documentation, corporate documentation, code of conduct, anti-bribery, anti-corruption policies and similar sub-branches)

Specific Engineering Fields
- Lifts (elevators, escalators, moving walks - including relevant subject focused maintenance, sales, training)
- Electronic Medical & Beauty (imaging, ultrasonography, beauty equipment & consumables)
- Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing (plant management, operation & maintenance, factory design & layout processes)
- Aviation & Defense Engineering (various military equipments, manuals, SOP, airports, ground support equipments, marine vessels, aircraft, land vehicles)
- Aviation & Civil Engineering (Airport Equipments, ILS systems, Passenger Management Systems, Airport Design, Bidding Specifications and many more)
- Railroad and Lightrail Systems, Trambus, Trolleybus, Tramway, High Speed Train
- Corporate Documentation, Corporate Trainings, Education, Think Thank, Fact-Finding Papers, Business Analyses, Case Study, Data Mining, CPU, Processor, Mobile Phone, Modem, Big Data, Data Migration, Medical Devices, Medical Report, Synopsis, Specialist Facing Report
Bu kullanıcı PRO terimler konusunda diğer çevirmenlere yardımcı olarak KudoZ puanları kazanmıştır. Önerilen terim çevirilerini görmek için puan toplam(lar)ına tıklayın.

Kazanılan toplam puan: 1107
PRO puanları: 1007

Öncelikli diller (PRO)
İngilizce > Türkçe683
Türkçe > İngilizce305
1 dil çiftinde daha puan mevcut >
Öncelikli genel alanlar (PRO)
Sosyal Bilimler71
4 alanda daha puan mevcut >
Öncelikli uzmanlık alanları (PRO)
Hukuk (genel)112
Mekanik / Makine Mühendisliği58
İşletme/Ticaret (genel)41
Deyim / Özdeyiş / Atasözü35
Otomotiv / Otomobil & Kamyon32
Finans (genel)32
İnşaat / İnşaat Mühendisliği32
66 alanda daha puan mevcut >

Kazanılan bütün puanları gör >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects9
With client feedback3
100% positive (3 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
İngilizce > Türkçe5
Türkçe > İngilizce4
Specialty fields
Taşımacılık / Ulaştırma / Nakliye3
Mekanik / Makine Mühendisliği3
İnşaat / İnşaat Mühendisliği2
Hukuk: Sözleşme(ler)2
Mühendislik: Endüstri2
Otomotiv / Otomobil & Kamyon1
İşletme/Ticaret (genel)1
Bilgisayar: Sistemler, Ağ Ortamları1
Finans (genel)1
Kamu Yönetimi / Siyaset1
Hukuk (genel)1
Petrol Müh/Bilm1
Other fields
Anahtar kelimeler: Türkçe, Çevirmen, Aerospace, Landing Platform Dock, High Speed Trains, Measurement Trains, Catenary, Balises, Sensors, Track Gauge. See more.Türkçe, Çevirmen, Aerospace, Landing Platform Dock, High Speed Trains, Measurement Trains, Catenary, Balises, Sensors, Track Gauge, Overhead Lines, Landing Platform, LPD, Havuzlu, Havuzlu Çıkarma Gemi, Çıkarma Gemi, Türbin, Gemi Türbin, Korvet, Fırkateyn, Deniz Kuvvetleri, Navy, Air Force, Army, KKK, TSK, Aviation, Business, Commerce, Contract, Law, Engineer, Engineering, Translation, Translator, Turkish to English, Translator, Turkish English Translator, Interpreter, Interpretation, Pricewise, Localization, Power Generation, Translator, Energy Agreement, Master Franchise, Pipe, line, pipeline, welding, Bidding, Tender, Turkey, Türkçe, Turkish, İngilizce, Tercüman, Çeviri, Türkçe, İngilizce, İngilizce Türkçe Çevirmen, Mütercim, Converter, Trados, contractor, subcontract, subcontractor, Turbine, Turbine Blades, Condenser, Boiler, Piping, Metro, Tunnel, Highway, Asphalte, Chromium, Alloy, Chrome, Steel, Stainless, Composite, Armor, Shield, Weapon, Arms, Munitions, Aerodrome, Aeroplane, Aircraft, Uçak, Havalimanı, Havaalanı, Pist, Taksi, Yolu, Apron, Teknik Şartname, Deicer, Buz Çözücü, Specifications, FGD, Baca Gazı Arıtma, Şalt Sahası, Switchyard, Switchgear, Consultancy, Contract, Sözleşme, Anlaşma, Antlaşma, Hukuk, Ticaret, Legal, Huawei, Citybank, Phillips, Sony, Panasonic, Manual Scanner, Ricoh, Military, Field, Manual, translator, turkish, kontrat yönetimi, Hukuk, Hukuki, sözleşmeler, müşteri odaklı çözüm, customer tailored solution, Metals, Chemicals, TEKEL, Değerleme, Valuation, Tender, tender, bid, bidding, Preliminary, Survey, Contract Management, PDF Converter, Top PDF translation, same as it is to the original, Desktop Publishing, STEP, Rotschild, Migros, TCDD Demiryolu, Railroad Management System, EIA Reports, Municipal Mass Transportation, Tramway, Tramway parts, overhead, catenary, circuit breaker, trambus, light rail, greenhouse, Credit Card, Cards, Agreement, Marina Yachting Agreement, Sewage, Kanalizasyon, Sludge, Çamur, World Bank Procurement Program, Dünya Bankası Tedarik, Borsa Stock Exchange, Türk Turk Telekom, Pay TV, Telecommunication, Detention Center, Correction Center, Prison, Tevkif Evleri, Tutukevleri, Uyuşturucu Madde Tedavisi, Drug Treatment, Coca Cola, Leading the Change, GRI Report, Surveillance, Nuclear Engineering, Consecutive, Ricoh, Logitech, Paper, Space, Extrusion, Medical, GCP, GMP, CRO, CRF, Corporate, Training, Self Learning, Learning Center, FATCA, FCPA, HP, Canon, Sony, Puma, Nike, VS, Secret, Victoria, Castrol, Shell, Exxon, NDA, GCAP, Confidentiality, Data Mining, Big Data, CPU, Data Migration, Synopsis, Patient Report, Specialist Facing, Phase 3, Ethics Committee, EC, IRB, Lubricants, Petroleum, Oil, Market. See less.

Profilin son güncellenme tarihi
Jun 12, 2024

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