Dec 19, 2014 20:37
10 yrs ago
İngilizce term


İngilizce > Türkçe Teknik/Mühendislik Mekanik / Makine Mühendisliği HRSG
Cümle şöyle;
"GE STAG 209FB multiple shaft combined cycle power plant is non-fired, reheat, three pressures unit of natural circulation, top support, with horizontal gas flow, outdoor installation design."

Proposed translations

20 saat

yanmasız (atık ısı jeneratörü/kazanı)

atık ısı geri kazanım ünitelerinde kullanılan bir yöntem:yanmasız atık ısı
diğer bir yöntem: ek yanmalı atık ısı"yanmasız atık ısı"&ie=ut...

Note added at 20 hrs (2014-12-20 17:18:05 GMT)

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20 dakika

vitrifiye olmayan

Spesifik olarak bu konunun uzmani degilim ama bu SIRLI olmayan anlaminda olmali.
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10 saat



Reference comments

17 saat

non-fired = no burner

Adding a Burner to a Non-Fired HRSG (heat recovery steam generator)

Many plants would like to have a little “Insurance” with their HRSG’s during peaking conditions or find that an increase in superheat temperature would increase steam turbine efficiency.

How would you like to have a little extra HP superheated steam temperature or re-gain some performance degradation from an older plant? It may be possible to add a small burner without replacing or modifying substantially the heating surface of the HRSG.

Many HRSG’s are not designed for the addition of a burner but the addition of a small 50 MMBtu/hr may be possible. Some of the considerations are as follows for 50 MMBtu/hr reference burner.

Note added at 17 hrs (2014-12-20 14:12:46 GMT)

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