| Konu | Mesajı gönderen Yanıtlar (Görünümler) En son mesaj |
| Èìåþòñÿ â íàëè÷èè, ïåðåâåäåííûå ðóêîâîäñòâà òàêèõ êîìïàíèé, êàê: Fisher Rosemount, etc... | 1 (737) |
| Deutsches Terminologieportal | 1 (1,075) |
| How to add the accent mark when writing in Spanish on an English keyboard | 9 (10,165) |
| Looking for Political Science Dictionary German/English | 0 (827) |
| German-Russian dentistry dictionary? | 0 (676) |
| Need sample "sms speak" message | 8 (2,199) |
| Do the EN>DE MS Glossaries contain Powerpoint? | 3 (1,000) |
| Looking for previously-available Microsoft glossaries for European Portuguese | 1 (865) |
| Medical Online Dictionaries & Glossaries | 2 (1,333) |
| DVX not in CAT section? | 2 (893) |
| Looking for Ernie Pyle article June 1944 | 3 (1,025) |
| Questions for polls on Translation Industry | 2 (1,059) |
| Software for Hieroglyphs | 1 (956) |
| Recommendations for a good Italian>English technical dictionary | 5 (1,149) |
| Looking for discounted IT books in European languages | 1 (880) |
| WordCounter (most frequently used words) | 3 (1,544) |
| Looking for good German>English technical/IT dictionaries ( 1... 2) | 15 (2,439) |
| Resource: Military bilingual glossary (EN-ES) | 3 (1,179) |
| Good sources for Portuguese>English print dictionaries??? | 3 (1,241) |
| Glossar EN, DE gesucht: Verkehrswesen etc. | 0 (868) |
| New EN<>FR<>DE glossaries online (pipeworks, cutting tools) | 1 (946) |
| German - English medical glossary mystery | 4 (1,100) |
| HTML for translators | 7 (1,554) |
| online German>English resources about hairstyling | 1 (797) |
| Bibliography of German statutes in English translation | 2 (881) |
| En fin d'après-midi, un peu de rigolade... | 5 (1,119) |
| Free Antivirus: Finally Ready for Prime Time | 6 (1,435) |
| Seeking Slovenian dictionaries | 4 (1,159) |
| Mill Dictionary (multilingual) | 1 (909) |
| Nederlands-Engels woordenlijst materiaalkunde | 0 (682) |
| Spa chemical glossary | 1 (832) |
| AXCEL216: gold-mine of FREE Windows Power Toys & Tweaking Tools | 0 (913) |
| Publisher license contracts | 0 (867) |
| Resource: LOOKING FOR Baseball Terms | 3 (1,401) |
| Wenske Dictionary on Chemistry - is it really worth 400 EUR? | 2 (1,082) |
| Scandinavian medical dictionary? | 0 (849) |
| All-Nettools.Com: Network, Privacy, Phone & Address, Geographical, etc. | 0 (819) |
| Best Free Software Online (Dan Tynan's picks) | 3 (1,313) |
| Has anybody experience with Personal Translator Office PT or other automatic translation software? | 2 (1,354) |
| German-English-French forestry terms | 2 (962) |
| Looking for de/en medical dictionaries (staff: 'try glosspost') | 1 (852) |
| Vegetables and fruits GLOSSARY Italian/English | 0 (920) |
| Looking for organic agriculture english and german terms. | 1 (803) |
| Have you ever tried "define: *** (any term)" with Google? | 11 (1,773) |
| Link to 'hyperdictionary' | 1 (1,969) |
| English Italian chemistry glossary/dictionary | 1 (783) |
| Circus glossary (spa) or terminology dictionary | 0 (955) |
| MENUTEXT CULIBASE® - Culinary Electronic Dictionary >> ES -DE -EN- FR -IT -NL | 3 (1,162) |
| Resource: online German>English medical dictionary | 6 (1,475) |
| Glossary: Fernwärme und Energieversorgung | 2 (863) |