Glossary entry

Türkçe term or phrase:

ilk kopyalamanın tarihi

İngilizce translation:

history of the first cloning

Added to glossary by Özden Arıkan
Jan 27, 2004 03:29
21 yrs ago
Türkçe term

Ilk Kopyalamanin Tarihi

Türkçe > İngilizce Sanat/Edebiyat Bilim (genel)
Index listing in literary book
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Jul 3, 2005 02:51: Özden Arıkan changed "Field (specific)" from "Tarih" to "Bilim (genel)"


Ali YANDIK (X) Jan 27, 2004:
What the book is about?

Proposed translations

8 gün

History or date

History or date of the first cloning.
I'll give a good laugh if this turns out to be something about cloning :)) Copy or edition doesn't make much sense as my colleagues pointed out. So, given the context provided by you, which is NONE, this is more guesswork than translation. Still I'd strike out copy and edition.

Note added at 9 days (2004-02-05 22:29:07 GMT) Post-grading

Here\'s my laugh :)) God\'s teeth!
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1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "turns out the chapter is about cloning. probably should have read the chapter first. robb"
3 saat

date of first copy

have to admit that it sounds a bit weird though; as if a word for word translation, for a published copy or edition is not called a "kopya" (from copy) in turkish; or is the book an old manuscript? more context possible?
Peer comment(s):

agree Emine Fougner
11 saat
agree shenay kharatekin
1 gün 15 saat
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11 saat

Date of the first edition

In english 'edition' is used more often when talking about a book. So the translation is 'Date of the first edition'
Peer comment(s):

agree Sandra OLIVER : copy of book or edition of book.Bizim "kopya" ile Ingilizce'deki "copy" arasindaki fark vardir. COPY dediginizde bir kitabin nushasi/orneginden bahsedilir. Bence, kopyalama, yanlis kullanilmis burada. Direkt bir tercumenin kokusunu aliyorum. I agree..
1 saat
agree Emine Fougner
3 saat
agree Özden Arıkan : you're right, asker's explanation suggests that this is an "edition"; turkish wording has a problem, it seems: "kopyalama" is very strange (and definitely wrong) to use for edition.
16 saat
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1 gün 11 saat


If you look at the inside cover of an English book, you may potentially see three dates :

First Published (self explanatory).
Second (and subsequent) Edition : i.e. republished with amendments.
Reprinted : used for subsequent print runs of a particular edition.

Given that the word 'kopyalamak' in Turkish can be used to mean 'to clone/replicate', I would suggest 'reprinted' as another possible alternative to those already proposed.
Peer comment(s):

agree Özden Arıkan : EDIT:kopyalama,in the context of books,suggests the work of a scribe:copying a manuscript."reprint"makes sense as you explain above,however,i've never seen"kopyalama"used this way in a publication inTurkish.[sorry,prev.comment wasnt clear enuf-spaceProbl]
1 saat
Xola, thanks for your comments. I'm surprised you haven't come across the term 'reprinted' before (or are you referring to 'kopyalama'?). I just picked a random selection of books from my bookshelf, and 4 out of 5 had reprint dates alongside the others
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1 gün 13 saat

If it is a "copy", in this case the Turkish sentence should be

as "date of the first copy", if it is a publication, in this case the Turkish sentence should be as "date of the first edition"

Source: İngilizce – Türkçe Redhouse Sözlüğü

"Copy" => Asıl, kopya, numune, nüsha, müsvette, örnek suret; [Gazette] metin, yazı.

"Edition" => Baskı, tabı, bir kitabın bir defada basılması, bir kitabın bir defada basılma hali; bir kitabın bir defada basılan nüsha sayısı, tiraj.

Publication => ilan etme, yayım, yayın, yayınlama, yayınlanmış eser, yayma.

Source: Golden Dictionary İNGİLİZCE / TÜRKÇE
Issue => çıkarma, çıkma. çıkış, nüsha, piyasaya çıkarılma, sayı, yayınlama.

Source: İngilizce – Türkçe İktisadi Ticari Hukuki Terimler Sözlüğü
Reprint => yeniden tabetme; özellikle, bir ilanın gazetede veya mecmuada reklam amacıyla yeniden basılması

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