Glossary entry (derived from question below)
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Master can send communications at any time. Slaves must send a request for polling. When the master polls slaves can respond. (Sony Unilink)
The UART is being accessed when the apb_out_psel7 signal is high. Figure 9 on page 15 shows the end of the polling activity and completion with a successful read of the UART receive register. (Actel)
EUSB uses a time-shared serial data stream. The PC acts as a master by polling all connected peripherals at regular intervals of one milli-second (1mS). (Erlich Industrial Development Corporation)
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5 | sorgulama |
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Sep 28, 2008 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Sep 28, 2008 23:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Bunu sağlamanın çeşitli yolları vardır. El sıkışma, tamponlama, alınan veriyi algılamak üzere kesme ya da yoklamaya ( polling ) başvurulması, hata kontrolü ve tasdik bu yollar arasındadır. Bir link bunların birini ya da birkaçını kullanabilir. (Elektronik Magazin)
sorgulama yöntemi: (Alm. , Fra. méthode d'interrogation, İng. polling method) Belirli özkaynakları paylaşan uçbirimlerin iletişim gereksinmelerinin saptanmasına ilişkin yöntem. (Bilişim Terimleri Sözlüğü)
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: Polling, or polled operation, in computer science, refers to actively sampling the status of an external device by a client program as a synchronous activity. Polling is most often used in terms of input/output (I/O), and is also referred to as polled I/O
1 gün 2 saat
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: Sorgulama query için kullanılıyor. İkisi yöntem olarak birebir aynı değil.
3 gün 20 saat
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