Glossary entry

İngilizce term or phrase:

Being in the closet

Türkçe translation:

gizli eşcinsel

Added to glossary by Zeki Güler
Jun 10, 2015 23:19
9 yrs ago
İngilizce term

Being in the closet

İngilizce > Türkçe Diğer Deyim / Özdeyiş / Atasözü
People who are homosexual, but don’t share that information with family members, friends or school or workmates are often referred to as “being in the closet” or “closeted.”
Proposed translations (Türkçe)
4 +4 gizli eşcinsel
Change log

Jun 24, 2015 08:03: Zeki Güler Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 saat

gizli eşcinsel

Peer comment(s):

agree Mehmet Ali Özgündüz
19 saat
agree Selçuk Dilşen
1 gün 6 saat
agree LULI PRO
1 gün 7 saat
agree Bora Taşdemir
1 gün 12 saat
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