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一个英国人的汉译英试译(以此接得某大项目) Konuyu gönderen: Alan Wang
ysun Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 16:32 İngilizce > Çince + ...
wherestip wrote:
Yueyin 确实在各方面都非常出色
Dr. Li,
说得很好. 顶一个.
[Edited at 2009-04-06 14:43 GMT] | | |
ysun Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 16:32 İngilizce > Çince + ... 若遇到这样的 editor 您还能说什么呢 | Apr 6, 2009 |
在工作中,有时会遇到明明自己不懂却乱挑别人毛病的 editor。我给客户翻译 MSDS 时,就遇到过这样的 editor。下面随便举几个例:
English text: CAS Number
(Note: CAS = Chemical Abstract Service. Usually, we may keep CAS as is.)
My translation: CAS 编号
Edited translation: 化学提炼物协会编号
注:此 editor 大概把 Abstract (文摘)看成 Extract 了。
English text: This product may poly... See more 在工作中,有时会遇到明明自己不懂却乱挑别人毛病的 editor。我给客户翻译 MSDS 时,就遇到过这样的 editor。下面随便举几个例:
English text: CAS Number
(Note: CAS = Chemical Abstract Service. Usually, we may keep CAS as is.)
My translation: CAS 编号
Edited translation: 化学提炼物协会编号
注:此 editor 大概把 Abstract (文摘)看成 Extract 了。
English text: This product may polymerize with explosive violence.
My translation: 此产品可能发生极为剧烈的聚合。
Edited translation: 此产品可能因爆炸发生聚合。
English text: Fatal if inhaled.
My translation: 若吸入则可致命。
Edited translation: 如吸入可致命。
Editor’s comment: Character used for “if” is the one for Taiwan (traditional). All the “if” in the file are changed to the character used for the Mainland China market. Some Taiwan tones are also changed to fit the right market.
注:若遇到这样的 editor 您还能说什么呢?
好在客户赐给了我尚方宝剑:“Accept or reject the changes as you decide is appropriate. Your decision is final.”
另一次翻译一篇化工专业的文章, editor 乱改一气之后还对 PM 说,“一看就知道是外行翻译的”。我也不跟他计较,只问了 PM 一句话: “Do you believe what he said?” ▲ Collapse | | |
wherestip Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 16:32 Çince > İngilizce + ...
ysun wrote:
在工作中,有时会遇到明明自己不懂却乱挑别人毛病的 editor。我给客户翻译 MSDS 时,就遇到过这样的 editor。下面随便举几个例:
English text: CAS Number
(Note: CAS = Chemical Abstract Service. Usually, we may keep CAS as is.)
My translation: CAS 编号
Edited translation: 化学提炼物协会编号
注:此 editor 大概把 Abstract (文摘)看成 Extract 了。
English text: This product may polymerize with explosive violence.
My translation: 此产品可能发生极为剧烈的聚合。
Edited translation: 此产品可能因爆炸发生聚合。
English text: Fatal if inhaled.
My translation: 若吸入则可致命。
Edited translation: 如吸入可致命。
Editor’s comment: Character used for “if” is the one for Taiwan (traditional). All the “if” in the file are changed to the character used for the Mainland China market. Some Taiwan tones are also changed to fit the right market.
注:若遇到这样的 editor 您还能说什么呢?
好在客户赐给了我尚方宝剑:“Accept or reject the changes as you decide is appropriate. Your decision is final.”
另一次翻译一篇化工专业的文章, editor 乱改一气之后还对 PM 说,“一看就知道是外行翻译的”。我也不跟他计较,只问了 PM 一句话: “Do you believe what he said?”
这种 editor 是不称职的. | | |
nigerose Çin Local time: 06:32 Çince > İngilizce + ...
经常也有校对人把我正确的翻译校对错了。不过他们与我是合作关系,没有竞争关系,不会故意改错了。 | |
jyuan_us Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 17:32 Üye (2005) İngilizce > Çince + ... 被REVIEWER改錯是常有的事 | Apr 7, 2009 |
nigerose wrote:
原來有一個公司倒是很客氣﹐讓我們決定ACCEPT還是REJECT﹐開始我們也挺高興﹐看到他改錯的不用解釋﹐拒絕就行了。可是時間長了﹐有點受不了。小稿件還好﹐大稿件我們需要安排人一條一條看REVIEWER的改動﹐等於增加了成本。後來這個公司我們就逐漸放棄了。 | | |
jyuan_us Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 17:32 Üye (2005) İngilizce > Çince + ...
ysun wrote:
在工作中,有时会遇到明明自己不懂却乱挑别人毛病的 editor。我给客户翻译 MSDS 时,就遇到过这样的 editor。下面随便举几个例:
English text: CAS Number
(Note: CAS = Chemical Abstract Service. Usually, we may keep CAS as is.)
My translation: CAS 编号
Edited translation: 化学提炼物协会编号
注:此 editor 大概把 Abstract (文摘)看成 Extract 了。
English text: This product may polymerize with explosive violence.
My translation: 此产品可能发生极为剧烈的聚合。
Edited translation: 此产品可能因爆炸发生聚合。
English text: Fatal if inhaled.
My translation: 若吸入则可致命。
Edited translation: 如吸入可致命。
Editor’s comment: Character used for “if” is the one for Taiwan (traditional). All the “if” in the file are changed to the character used for the Mainland China market. Some Taiwan tones are also changed to fit the right market.
注:若遇到这样的 editor 您还能说什么呢?
好在客户赐给了我尚方宝剑:“Accept or reject the changes as you decide is appropriate. Your decision is final.”
另一次翻译一篇化工专业的文章, editor 乱改一气之后还对 PM 说,“一看就知道是外行翻译的”。我也不跟他计较,只问了 PM 一句话: “Do you believe what he said?”
有時是reviewer不懂﹐有時是故意找岔好讓那個track change顯示改得多一些。具體例子舉不出來﹐就記得有人把我們本來翻譯得很地道的機構名稱給改成了﹕
我們原來加了一些限定/修飾語﹐ 比如管制﹐咨詢/舉報之類(具體措辭記不住了)﹐reviewer說我們加了英語里沒有的內容。
[Edited at 2009-04-07 02:49 GMT] | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 06:32 İngilizce > Çince + ...
我也经常碰到,看他/她修改的那个样子,显然英文没有过关。幸好最终决定由我做。我常想,既然翻译公司找editor,干吗不找一个称职的? | | |
jyuan_us Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 17:32 Üye (2005) İngilizce > Çince + ... 近來做的一個活是作為第三方解決reviewer對原譯稿的complaint | Apr 7, 2009 |
我拿來一看﹐譯文根本沒有reviewer說的那樣差﹐而且有的地方改了還不如不改。原譯者對幾個專業詞彙沒有用准﹐而幾乎每句話都至少含有那幾個詞之一﹐導致了track change顯示每一句話都有改動。
我只好一個change 一個change地發表評論。掙了一點quick pocket money/petty cash。赫赫。
[Edited at 2009-04-07 02:47 GMT] | |
ysun Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 16:32 İngilizce > Çince + ...
jyuan_us wrote:
原譯者對幾個專業詞彙沒有用准﹐而幾乎每句話都至少含有那幾個詞之一﹐導致了track change顯示每一句話都有改動。
李斌与我也必须以 “track changes” 的形式把修改稿抄送给客户。由于专利的重复特点,有时同一术语在同一篇专利中会出现几十次、几百次甚至上千次。 在类似情况下,我们的约定是:如果发现某个多次重复出现的术语需要修改,那就只修改首次出现的那个,免得把修改稿搞得满篇皆红。如果定稿者认为改得对,再由他利用 Find and Replace 功能做全盘修改。从另一方面讲,我们对多次重复出现的术语在翻译时也格外慎重。
[Edited at 2009-04-07 03:53 GMT] | | |
isahuang Local time: 17:32 İngilizce > Çince + ... 忘了用 track change | Apr 7, 2009 |
ysun wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
原譯者對幾個專業詞彙沒有用准﹐而幾乎每句話都至少含有那幾個詞之一﹐導致了track change顯示每一句話都有改動。
李斌与我也必须以 “track changes” 的形式把修改稿抄送给客户。由于专利的重复特点,有时同一术语在同一篇专利中会出现几十次、几百次甚至上千次。 在类似情况下,我们的约定是:如果发现某个多次重复出现的术语需要修改,那就只修改首次出现的那个,免得把修改稿搞得满篇皆红。如果定稿者认为改得对,再由他利用 Find and Replace 功能做全盘修改。从另一方面讲,我们对多次重复出现的术语在翻译时也格外慎重。 [Edited at 2009-04-07 03:53 GMT]
我有一次作校对忘了用 track change,交稿后,客户问我你改了吗,我怎么没看到?翻译公司派活的时候没说要用track change,之前的校对也没告诉我用track change,所以我那次也没用。我就告诉她我改了,只是没用track change,幸好客户没说什么,否则得够我忙的,15000多字的原稿,让我在一个一个track change,我会发疯的。 | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 06:32 İngilizce > Çince + ... 试试Combine and Compare | Apr 7, 2009 |
Word菜单:工具 - 比较并合并文档。不一样的地方会自动给你标好。
isahuang wrote:
我有一次作校对忘了用 track change,交稿后,客户问我你改了吗,我怎么没看到?翻译公司派活的时候没说要用track change,之前的校对也没告诉我用track change,所以我那次也没用。我就告诉她我改了,只是没用track change,幸好客户没说什么,否则得够我忙的,15000多字的原稿,让我在一个一个track change,我会发疯的。 | | |
isahuang Local time: 17:32 İngilizce > Çince + ...
Zhoudan wrote:
Word菜单:工具 - 比较并合并文档。不一样的地方会自动给你标好。
isahuang wrote:
我有一次作校对忘了用 track change,交稿后,客户问我你改了吗,我怎么没看到?翻译公司派活的时候没说要用track change,之前的校对也没告诉我用track change,所以我那次也没用。我就告诉她我改了,只是没用track change,幸好客户没说什么,否则得够我忙的,15000多字的原稿,让我在一个一个track change,我会发疯的。
等下次再忘的时候用。 | |
ysun wrote:
I posted the above link just to illustrate how the loss-in-weight scale works with other equipment. As a matter of fact, the entire process may look very similar to the kneading process we’ve been talking about. It doesn’t matter whether the loss-in-weight scale works with the “supplements for chicken/pig rearing” or with other materials. What matters is whether the materials to be weighed are free flowing particles. Non-free flowing particles would stick to the walls of the loss-in-weight scaling system, causing inaccuracy. For example, the scale would work very well with shelled peanuts, but wouldn’t work at all with peanut butter. Apparently, the kneading system would need two loss-in-weight scales for the powders and asphalt, one for each. The powders and asphalt are not allowed to mix with each other before they come out of their respective loss-in-weight scales.
Hello Yueyin
Thank you very much!
Now I have some more questions.
1 For carbon products manufacture (eg carbon anodes), the coke aggregate is called 干料, right? [Apparently, electrode carbon-paste manufacture uses quite fine coke fractions, (or even a single fraction), is that right? 所以说,这个carbon-paste 'substrate' 可不可以叫做'aggregate'吗?或者是不是有另一个说法?]
2 And am I correct in translating 物料 in the text as 'the material', as for plastics?
3 About the mixing/kneading process, I am not clear, does the coke 'aggregate 干料' or mix of coke fractions or whatever it is, go through the LIW feeders or not, or is it just the additives and pitch-binder
4 (asphalt/bitumen? ‘沥青’到底怎么翻译才对?). 接着,what is your understanding of 粉料 ' the powders' in the text? If it is only referring to the additives then perhaps 'dosing' may be the correct term, what is your view?
5 另外, apparently in the India Carbon process, the mix can be adjusted in the mixer by adding filler or fines. 'fines' are coal/coke fines right (AFAIK 大致说 ‘fines’ = fine screenings, dust/powder-sized grains). 我们这个原文也包括 filler, fines 吗?
6 LIW feed for pitch. Apparently, sources suggest it would be be heated to a fluid state first, and then measured/weighed using the LIW feeder, which would then spray it into the chamber through nozzles. Is that how it works in your understanding?
7 It looks to me as if there might be large and small LIW feeders for different purposes, either for the 'substrate' or the additives/supplements.
8 And a. would one single dry-ingredient feeder shoot a burst (or jet or shot) of one ingredient followed by another into the mixer/kneader chamber, in a sequence (as programmed), or b. would the dry ingredients be mixed before they got to the LIW feeder? (I suppose either might be possible). [Or c. would there be a bank of feeders to supply the different fractions simultaneously - it seems not - though I think this may happen with plastics. From what you have said above, there would be only 2 feeders, correct?]
I hope you don't mind but I am keen to understand how these things work. Thanks.
【'dry aggregate 干料' reference:
'dosing' reference:
small loss-in-weight feeder 减量式恒量供料机:
the source text:
http://www.proz.com/forum/chinese/129475-一个英国人的汉译英试译(以此接得某大项目)-page21.html#1097353 】
[Edited at 2009-04-08 02:26 GMT] | | |
jyuan_us Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Local time: 17:32 Üye (2005) İngilizce > Çince + ...
isahuang wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
Word菜单:工具 - 比较并合并文档。不一样的地方会自动给你标好。
isahuang wrote:
我有一次作校对忘了用 track change,交稿后,客户问我你改了吗,我怎么没看到?翻译公司派活的时候没说要用track change,之前的校对也没告诉我用track change,所以我那次也没用。我就告诉她我改了,只是没用track change,幸好客户没说什么,否则得够我忙的,15000多字的原稿,让我在一个一个track change,我会发疯的。
[Edited at 2009-04-08 01:18 GMT] | | |
Chrissy Lu Çin Local time: 06:32 İngilizce > Çince PM有工具能自动比较的~~ | Apr 8, 2009 |
jyuan_us wrote:
isahuang wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
Word菜单:工具 - 比较并合并文档。不一样的地方会自动给你标好。
isahuang wrote:
我有一次作校对忘了用 track change,交稿后,客户问我你改了吗,我怎么没看到?翻译公司派活的时候没说要用track change,之前的校对也没告诉我用track change,所以我那次也没用。我就告诉她我改了,只是没用track change,幸好客户没说什么,否则得够我忙的,15000多字的原稿,让我在一个一个track change,我会发疯的。
不過謝謝ZHOUDAN提供“解決方案”,我也學了一招。 [Edited at 2009-04-08 01:18 GMT]
[Edited at 2009-04-08 02:16 GMT] | | |
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