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Fransızca > İngilizce Tıp (genel) Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
traitement de fond Disease-modifying drug
voie de décharge release portal
"actes et prestations" procedures and services carried out
"avec doute sur" suspicion of a possible ...
"à blanc" plain
"champ sterile" sterile field
"couche non agitée" unstirred water layer
"est fluctuant avec agitation..." fluctuating state of health with agitation
Entered by: liz askew
"HC" TRAUMATOLOGIE Inpatient Hospitalization - Traumatology
"I" inferior or lower, ASD
"l'UQ" the union of the quadrants
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
"redon aspiratif" [Redon's]suction drain
Entered by: liz askew
#9 Altemeier Altemeier classification, #9
% racc. fraction de raccourcissement de surface
(accord professionnel) consensus or peer agreement
(artère) sylvienne gauche left middle cerebral artery
(en guise de) baguette usually a rod is used to maintain the small intestine loop outside
(flébite/orthographe incorrecte) = phlébite phlebitis
(fs)best forced spirometry (best value)
(IRM = rétrécissements foraminal étagés) (MRI = multi-level foraminal stenosis)
(j'ai une petite) bouée au ventre I have a little belly/bulge
(looks like) Aconpliersis (but obviously not that) acouphènes
(paragranulome nodulaire de) Poppema (et Lennert) nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) or nodular paragranuloma (formerly)
(sur un) hémopéritoine important (secondary to a) large/extensive intraperitoneal haemorrhage
**diriger** un paramètre de consigne to monitor a required or pre-defined parameter
*OEP* evoked otoacoustic emission
+ un contingent douloureux plus postérieur a painful zone further back
- -
- le - the + date
... AT + Mater. User fee + Accidents at work + Maternity
...d\'absence d\'insuffisance cardiaque \"cardiac failure very unlikely\"
Entered by: Lara Barnett
...un bouchon de 2. a size 2 cap.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
...viennent cependant appuyer... the results (or findings) of this research support
/veld (unit) field
0.6/VD en PSG 0.6cm/left parasternal long-axis view of the right ventricle (RV
Entered by: liz askew
08 pas 8 min per step
1 c à mes measuring spoon
1 ere PO first visit (follow-up) post-op
1 P.N.D. Department 1st floor PND (Pavillon Notre Dame)
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