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Fransızca > İngilizce Tıp (genel) Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
adhérences vellamenteuses velamentous adhesions [expanded in the form of a sheet or veil]
Adjoint des Cadres Hospitaliers Hospital Administrative Assistant
Adjoint vs Assistant Deputy Head of Department and Assistant
adjointe sans signes infectieux adjunct without signs of infection
adressé par urg pc pour diplopie transferred by the emergency unit dispatching/triage for diplopia
adulte référent mentor
AEC (alimentation entérale continue) continuous enteral feeding (CEF)
AEG poor condition
AEPS Association des Etablissements Publics de Soins (AEPS) Public Healthcare Institutions
aero-enterie presence of bowel gas
AET ETA (endotracheal aspiration)
AF A faire (Plan)
AF / antécédents familiaux family history
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
affaissement dégénératif degenerative collapse
affection morbide disease or condition leading to death
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
affinement des QRS narrowing of the QRS complex
affirmer le diagnostic establish the diagnosis
aflaissement affaissement = sagging or deflection here probably trabecular collapse
AFOLSER Folic acid, serum
AFOLSER (serum) Folic acid
Entered by: liz askew
afouillé/affouillé exposed
ag (serum) anion gap
AG GA general anesthesia
ag HBs-Ac (testing for) HBsAg and HBsAb
agarose agarose gel
Entered by: liz askew
age echographique ultrasound shows a 14-week fetus
agencées en cordon réalisant des tubes cord-like arrangement of epithelial cells forming tubes
agents de gonflement bulking agents
agrandi numérisé enlarged and digitized
agrégé du service the other professor in the medical unit/ward
Agreé pour l'Administratión approved by the administration/government
aidant naturel natural helper
aide comtable assistant accountant/accounts assistant
aiguille passe-catheter (catheter) introducing needle
AIH - ACCA Former Hospital Intern and Associate Chief Resident (US)/Specialist Registrar (UK)
AIR air puff tonometer test
air rest air rest
air volumétrique volumetric air
aire (in this context) level
aires ggr lymph nodes
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