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Fransızca > İngilizce Sigorta Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
résiliation pour sinistre see explanation
résiliation pour sinistre cancellation/termination after loss/claim/occurrence of insurance contingency
résultat avant exceptionnel income/earnings/profit (or loss) before exceptional charges
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Résultat technique non vie non-life underwriting income
rétention de la Captive the Captive\'s retention
RC (en quart) Public liability insurance (quarterly)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
RC (responsabilité civile) third-party liability insurance
RC AL responsabilité civile après livraison
RCEN Civil liabilty for nuclear damage
recettes principales des douanes Customs Receipts Office
rechargements sur les provisions techniques increase (extra charge) on technical provisions
recherche de fuite Tracing leaks
Recherche en responsabilité liability proceedings
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
rechercher la responsabilité de seek the liability of
reconnaissance par le débiteur du droit de celui contre lequel il prescrivait. the debtor\'s acknowledgement of the time-barred Party's right
reconstitution reinstatement
recours recourse
recours loss recovery
recours recovery from third party
Recours à encaisser are increased by an estimate of outstanding recoveries
Recours à l’encontre du fabricant de la pompe proceedings/recourse against the manufacturer of the pump
recours partiel envers partial right of recovery from
redevables sur leurs biens propres are personally liable
refus rescind(ed)
refus opposé denial
Registre des Intermédiaires en Assurance Register of Insurance Intermediaries
Entered by: Gina W
regrouper to apply to
rehausseur enhancer
relancer revive
Entered by: Wyley Powell
relèver de [one meaning] to be covered by
Entered by: Tony M
relevé d'informations claims list
relevé d'informations arrêté à ce jour statement of information to date
relevé d\'informations prévu par l\'arrêté du 22/07/83 pursuant to the decree of 22/07/1983
Entered by: James Peel
remis en cause (didn't) call him/his opinion into question
remise effective effective transfer (of goods, property)/delivery/remittance (of documents)
remise en cours re-instatement
rendre la responsabilté d'Assuré plus rigoureuse impose a more stringent level of responsibility/liabilty on the accused
renonce à la subrogation waives any right of subrogation
Entered by: Gina W
renoncer à waive, forego
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
renoncer à tout recours vis-à-vis waive any right of recourse against X or its staff
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