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Fransızca > İngilizce Sigorta Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
postes de préjudice types of injury
Entered by: Neal Allen
pour et dans la mesure de l'aggravation de risque when and insofar as the risk increases/is increased
pour l'indemnisation covering
pour les seuls risques faisant l'objet, pour l'Assuré, d'une obligation légale d'assurance only for those risks which, for the insured, by law require compulsory insurance
pour moraliser les pratiques actuelles to reform current practice(s)
pratiquer les branches "Vie" et "non-Vie" to operate in the Life and Non-Life insurance sectors
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
préjudice soumis à recours damages recoverable by social security
Entered by: Peter Freckleton
préjudice tout particulier particularly serious loss/damage
Entered by: Carla Selyer
prélèvement / prélevé automatic debit payment / to debit
Prélèvement à des fins d’impots  income tax withholding
prélèvements Deductions; contributions; withholdings; bank withdrawals; levies
prérésa prereservation
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
Présentation (d'un contrat d'assurance) policies made available/offered
prêts sur encours refinancing
première échéance principale first main expiry date
prendre à ferme take on a leasehold or franchise basis
prestations premium
prime absorbée earned premium
prime à l’ultime final premium
Entered by: Neil Rear
prime émise premium written, written premium
prime hors CN Premium not including Natural Catastrophes
Entered by: Neil Crockford
Primes émises non acquises à l'ouverture Unearned premiums due at the beginning of a financial year
primes en arriéré overdue premiums
Entered by: Lany Chabot-Laroche
principe de la mise en jeu des garanties agreement in principle to cover claim
Priorité Priority
prise en charge payment of costs
Entered by: Heather Phillips
prise en charge juridique provision of legal assistance
prix d\'appel Cost of call
procédure collective insolvency proceedings
Entered by: Kpy
production stockée stored production / production left in stock
produit de prévoyance supplemental(supplementary) or contingency product (as supplemental insurance, etc.)
produit fiscal/non-fiscal tax-favoured/taxable product
Entered by: Laurel Clausen
produit parapharmaceutique hygiene product
produits de placement investment products / investment incomes
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
programmes reçus ou envoyés received or sent programs
projet de règlement Incendie proposed settlement of fire (damage)
Entered by: EirTranslations
promenade et trajet travail social, domestic and pleasure, and journeys to/from work
Entered by: Shaila Kamath
pronostic réservé ou une évolution longue guarded prognosis or a slow progression
proportionnalité totale/partielle Proportional method with full/partial coverage
proposition de réserves des dommages matériels proposed reserve(s) for material damage
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