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İtalyanca > İngilizce Metalurji / Döküm Translation Glossary

İtalyanca term İngilizce translation
teli da serra greenhouse coverings
terre - in this context subjected to measurable abrasion by the soil/terrain being worked
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
testa del timone tiller head
Entered by: EirTranslations
tondo di rame copper rod
tornitura di ghisa fresca clean cast iron turnings
tracciati sketch
trascinatore withdrawal rolls/mechanism
Entered by: Ivana UK
tratto "paralelo" cylindrico “parallel” cylindrical section
tratto utile grip length
tratto utile vs. tratto calibrato gauge length vs. calibrated length
Entered by: Mara Ballarini
travi e colonne beams and columns
treno di laminazione e/o della colata train of rolls
TT thermal treatment
vergella wire rod
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
vergella di rame cruda, ricotta e semicruda Hard / Annealed Bare Copper Wire Rod
vernici intumescenti intumescent paint
verniciati a fuoco stove enamelled
via a rulli roller conveyor
via a rulli roller way
Vomeri di molazza muller shares
ZTA saldature Zirconia Toughened Alumina (welding)
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