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İtalyanca > İngilizce Kamu Yönetimi / Siyaset Translation Glossary

İtalyanca term İngilizce translation
nell'ambito dell'unità previsionale di base as part of the current portion of the basic forecasting unit
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
non ingerenze non-interference
non vuole fumare suo malgrado do not wish to be exposed to smoke / second hand smoking / passive smoking
norme di attuazione implementation provisions
Entered by: Ivana UK
nota della questura police report
Nulla Osta Ministero Beni e Attivitá Culturali Certificate of No Impediment of/by the Ministry of Cultural Patrimony (and Activities)
Entered by: EirTranslations territoriali local union organizations
ordine del giorno orders of the day/order of business
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
organi di garanzia supervisory bodies
Entered by: Gary Key
organi di Giunta provincial administration (in context)
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
OSP = oneri di servizio pubblico public service obligations
ossario ossuary
pacificazione degli animi general appeasement
Entered by: Sarah Weston
PAI Hydrogeological structure plan
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
para-pubbliche Quango quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation
parcheggio suspended employment
parere preventivo early opinion
Entered by: Pasquale Capo
parlantina al vetriolo sharp tongue
Partito della RC Communist Refoundation Party
Entered by: Ivana UK
passa in capo ai soggetti originari is ascribed to those who established
passa parola word of mouth
passare la mano a hand over power to, yield to
Patronato INAS Italian Pension Office
Pdl delega Ac Draft Legislation No.
peloso self-interested
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
Per sapere, premesso che For information, considering that
per uso anagrafico for vital statistics purposes
permesso seggi elettorali paid leave for polling station activities
personaggio dai precedenti ambigui an individual with an ambiguous past
pluriappartenenza multiple identities / loyalties
politica del vincolo land use policies / planning permission policies
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
politica dell'impresa company policy or corporate/business/enterprise policy
politiche di campanile parochial policies
pone la fiducia sul decreto places its trust on the decree
potenziale di attrazione attraction potential/drawing power/potential appeal
potenziamento dell’organico strengthening of the staff
poteri d'indirizzo powers of direction
predisposizione giuridica legal arrangements
Prefettura Prefecture/Central Governmental Institution on county level
premialità awarding
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