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Fransızca > İngilizce Hukuk: Vergilendirme & Gümrük Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
la franchise de base exemption from VAT registration
la préscription maximum delay for something to happen
la recette des contributions de Bruxelles 3 Societes receiver of taxes for Brussels office no. 3 (companies)
Entered by: AllegroTrans
l’option fiscale du saupoudrage scattering, spreading
le 1/3 du jeu de connaissement one copy (of three) of the bill of lading
le bénéficiaire continue la personne du cédant the beneficiary shall continue to be the assignor
le montant de cette donation soit repris dans la succession. included
le sol y attenant the land attached thereto
Entered by: AllegroTrans
LHID loi d\'harmonisation sur les impôts directs
licitation (amiable) agreement to sell
liquidation des impositions Breakdown of taxes due
Entered by: Michael Meskers
liquider des taxes to levy duties (the duties levied). Normally, to settle duties
Liste à suivre sur intercalaire list to follow on a separate page
Entered by: Marilena Berca
Livre des procédures fiscales Tax procedures guide
livre des procedures fiscales Manual of Tax Procedures
logements nus, meublés ou garnis Lodgings unfurnished, furnished, or in a rooming house
loi de finance rectificative amending finance law/act
loi du lieu de situation rule of lex situs
l\'actif net révalorisé revalued net assets
Entered by: Zonia Clissold
marchand de biens property trader
marchandises prises à la consommation consumer goods
médecin non patentable physician not subject to licensing fees
MEAD MEADs (warehouses and customs clearance areas))
mediateur de dettes supervisor of voluntary arrangements
Entered by: Nick Lingris
mettre à la consommation to supply for use
mise sous plomb sealed (sealing) in customs
monnaies et billets de collection collectable coins and notes
montant des rappels amount of tax arrears
N (tax code) Non-certified (presumably)
NJ DO NOT translate (NJ)
Nombre de Parts Number of units
non constatée undeclared
non revêtus de bandelettes fiscales without (or with broken) excise seals
note de reversement note of pay-over (to tax office)
notification de redressement fiscal tax adjustment or reassessment notice
notifier par procès-verbal to inform in writing or written notification of proceedings
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
nu-propriétaire 1. beneficial owner 2. remainderman (Will trust); (US) reversionary heir 3. reversioner (lease)
Numéro de rôle roll number
offre financière financial offer
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
opération de façon tolling operation
Entered by: Cyril Tollari
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