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Fransızca > İngilizce Sigorta Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
avoir de vieillesse pension account
à concurrence de = jusqu'à concurrence de (les montants suivants) up to (the following amounts)
à défaut failing this/if not
à la charge du promoteur the responsibility of the sponsor
à peine de vider unless you want to void the guarantee/coverage of any content
à valoir sur facture to be deducted/offset from bill
à versement libre with a flexible payment plan
échéance secondaire (further) installment
Entered by: Charlotte Farrell
écheance modulée modified installment/modified instalment
émission des réserves qualified (or conditional) acceptance
état consolidé condition stabilized/maximum benefit from treatment achieved
état de fait circumstance
état pathologique pathological condition
éventuel See below (contingent employer's liability insurance)
être exposé to be incurred
ÉCHÉANCE Payment due
Équipe relais support retraite Retirement support complementary (or parallel) team
“AGF VARIATIONS” do not translate
bande Ryan Ryan recorder
banques de fin de vol flight bank
Entered by: Zonia Clissold
barème des frais d’annulation period when cancellation fees apply
Barème voyagiste tour operator's cancellation fee schedule
base de garanties benefit base
base totalité overall basis
bénéfice d’un droit entitlement to a benefit/right
Entered by: EirTranslations
bénéficiaire principal et de premier rang first ranking principal beneficiary
bénéficiant possessing, having, benefiting from,
Biens garantis par pret hypothecaire mobilier Goods secured by (personal) chattel mortgage loan
biens garantis par pret hypothecaires immobilier/mobilier property (loans) secured by movable/immovable hypothecs/mortgages
billets BSP Billing and Settlement Plan tickets
BM d'application / non indexe mimimum application schedule / unindexed
bon de délégation chiffré delegation form complete with figures
bon de prise en charge guarantee/undertaking to be responsible for payment
Entered by: AllegroTrans
bons de capitalisation bearer bonds
brevet d’inscription registration certificate
bulletin de réserve Property Irregularity Report
Entered by: Neil Crockford
bulletin de souscription application form
C.N.R. Constructeur non réalisateur property developer
Entered by: Adam Warren
cabine de décapage des acides acid pickling enclosure
Entered by: EirTranslations
cabinet d'expertises (licensed) appraisers (US), (chartered) surveyors (UK) - buildings
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