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Fransızca > İngilizce Sigorta Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
garantie classique de pertes de marges brute standard coverage for gross margin losses
garantie dans le temps coverage over time
garantie décès Vie Entière whole of life policy with accidental death cover
garantie de défense-recours legal assistance cover
Garantie de résponsabiltés liability coverage
Entered by: Elizabeth Niklewska
Garantie deces tunnel Term insurance plan
garantie en non-dénommé cover under a discretionary limit/as an un-named buyer
garantie extrinsèque additional risks insurance
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Garantie non conformité Cover for non-compliance
Entered by: EirTranslations
Garantie Responsabilité Civile - Habitation Civil liability cover - Home insurance
garantie Retour impossible inward/return travel delay cover
garanties protections / insured risks
Garanties du Dirigeant CEO coverage
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
garanties mécaniques mechanical cover
Entered by: AllegroTrans
garanties techniques technical warranties
génération vintage
gérée en capitalisation managed on a capitalization (accumulation) basis
gérées en lignes directes directly managed
Gestion Credits Vie du Pret Credit Management - Loans
gestion diversifiée à dominante obligataire diversified investments, primarily in bonds
Gestion pilotée Targeted Management
Gestionnaire General Managing Agent
Entered by: Angie Taylor
global de banque, flottes de Dab bank blanket insurance policy , ATM fleet
GPA GPA (Groupements de prévention agréés:approved risk management company (analysis accounting and financial data))
Grille de désensibilisation Sliding Scale of Reduced Risks/Table of Declining Risk
GT gross tons/gross tonnage
habileté fiscale skilful tax planning
haut niveau de délégation high degree of delegation
Heurt des biens assurés, damage to insured property caused by collision/impact
honorabilité good character
hypothèque en 1er rang First mortgage
IARD Property and Casualty Insurance
Image arrêtée snapshot
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
immeubles par accession add-on fixtures
Entered by: Andrew Tooms
Immobilisation du véhicule (pour réparation) vehicle downtime
incendie acquise en valeur à neuf limitée à 25% sur batiment fire included at reinstatement value limited to 25% on buildings
incompressible minimum
indemnité d'assurance garantissant les risques de catastrophe naturelle indemnity under an insurance policy covering natural disasters
indemnité d’assurance-crédit future future credit insurance indemnity/claim payment
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