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Fransızca > İngilizce Sigorta Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
collège de l'adhésion total potential membership
Entered by: Neil Crockford
conditions partculières schedule
garantie police unique décennale de chantier comprehensive new building ten-year warranty policy
libre exercice free to have recourse
Entered by: EirTranslations
une politique de conventionnement a policy of agreement/partnership agreement
Entered by: liz askew
"CONFORT - Indice 659,20" Standard of living - index 659,20
"prestation de sortie" transfer of pension funds to another fund
"responsabilite locative" tenants liability
"responsabilite sejour voyage; responsabilite locative: 110m Eur" travel insurance / lease insurance
"responsabilite vie privee: dommages corporels" Personal Liability / Personal Injury
"séquestre répartiteur" interpleader stakeholder; judicial trustee
(avis d')arrêt de travail sick note / sickness certificate / physician's medical leave certificate
Entered by: Tony M
(société) en exercice trading (company)
*délégatire de gestion* en assurance santé Management services providers / Third-party administrators
- Pour ces événements restent cependant garantis les dommages en résultant non e Loss or damage resulting from these events that is not excluded shall, however...
1ere ligne primary (or prime) insurance policy
3 ans avec TR 3 years with tacit/automatic renewal
a defaut mes heritiers failing (the insurance nominees) to my heirs and persons entitled
A.S.F. A.S.F./Association Française des Sociétés Financières
accedit final meeting attended by all the parties
acceptation accepted business/reinsurance
accident materiel et responsable at-fault accident with property damage
accidents de fumeurs smoking accidents
Accidents de plain-pied ground level accidents
Entered by: Lenah Susianty
achat de protection protection purchasing/procurement
acquis the insurer shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured...
Entered by: Shaila Kamath
acquises (seront ... à l'assuré) accrue (will ... to the insured)
acquises en capitalisation acquired on a single-premium basis
acte d'hérédité certificate of inheritance
acte de construire building/construction contract
Acte de Délégation d\'Indemnités Deed of Assignment of Insurance Settlement Payments
acte médical d'infirmier nursing procedure
Actif Général Vie general assets [of a life insurance company]
actif lui-même affecté relevant de la catégorie A asset allocated to category A
action de prévention Prevention/preventive action
adaptation au sol suitability for site and ground conditions
adhésion membership
adossé backed by
Adresse du risque risk address
AER Account Engineering Review
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