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Fransızca > İngilizce Havacılık & Uzay / Havacılık / Uzay Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
prélèvement bleed
préparateurs preparers
première monte Original equipment or OE
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
prendre le top start the clock
prendre les efforts de poussée absorb/bear the thrust forces
prise d’image Image capture/snapshot
Profil à aileron déplacable vers le bas wing section/profile deflected downward
Entered by: liz askew
profilé section
protection en roulis bank/roll protection
protocole agreement
PTE- Prise de terrain en encadrement Practice Forced Landing (PFO) / simulated forced landing / Engine Failure After Takeoff (EFATO)
PTU - Prise de terrain en U engine failure procedures
QIAV German for Qualitätsinspektions und Abnahmevorschrift
qualifié de mode mode
Qualifications P.S. P.S. training
Entered by: EirTranslations
quantite a atteindre target quantity/target weight
queue de bec trailing edge of slat/slat trailing edge
rayon de filet de noeud Node/join filet radius
réalésage (re)boring
Entered by: Carmy Tutino
réalisation du vol flight
référentiel frame of reference (reference frame)
réserves de maintenance maintenance reserves
réservoir à membrane d'azote comprimé lined tank containing compressed nitrogen
réservoir à membrane en alliage de titane titanium alloy diaphragm pressure vessel
RDT Responsable de la tour / Tower Control Officer
reconnaissances aérodromes airport recognition
redresser les lignes de courant straighten out the streamlines
redresseur complet total synchronizing ring
rejoindra will be flush with
relais de generatrice generator relay
relevés de satellite satellite images
remise de l'ancien bricole au niveau d'un fusible interne [electronics / electrical] rectification of (the) previous bodged repair to an internal fuse
Entered by: Tony M
renvois bell-crank
renvois de radar reproduces the radar (waves) received
reprise dans les aéronefs de-fueling of the aircraft
Entered by: Zonia Clissold
reprises supported by
Responsable Zone Avion apron manager
ressort à seuil progressive spring
ressorts de conjugaison coupling springs
retour a la peau returns to its original form
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