The only way / English

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The only way / English

By Joel Pina Diaz | Published  10/3/2018 | Legal Issues | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
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Joel Pina Diaz
İngilizce > İspanyolca translator
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First of six articles


It does not matter how much progress there is in the translation industry if translators remain resigned to financial, legal and development practices. Each and every one of the plots and topics of the industry superimposes the technique, technology, and quality to the benefits of the language worker.

Looking to the future, the translator does not have the minimum guarantees to survive with a decent retirement, no medical insurance, and much less financial security. Added to this is the constant victim of fraud by "serious and false agencies or individuals" that do not pay or argue any falsehood to avoid paying or paying less. Payment terms of up to 60 days are not regulated by anyone; they are a burden that must end. All this happens because there is no entity that standardizes and regulates these important issues worldwide.

In these six articles, I will expose the solutions to these problems as well as open the door to a new cycle in the translation industry.

It is extremely important to lay the foundations to change the structure and standards imposed not only several years ago, but adopted by empiricism, totally useless and strange to this epoch and current needs. The topics to be discussed are diverse and with different aspects, with characteristics that are probably intrinsic in different countries, but in concise, with a similar essence and with universal solutions for us, those who work in the language industry and all the branches or related fields.

Before the coming generations leave the ship of the translation industry and all its branches, before it is too late and to honoring those who have left us the foundations of this wonderful profession, is necessary to join efforts, work for all and on behalf of all without abandoning our fabulous individuality, it is possible and totally viable.

Renewing and updating the structure of this industry is a decision of the community and the industry itself. It’s my choice. The actors that must play a preponderant role are working and it is crucial to reach an agreement in different levels so that the language workers and miscellaneous at an international level, decide with absolute pronouncement what they expect for the future and under what rules and legal arguments; in a totally transparent environment accessible to all involved.

It is essential to develop a society of translators for translators and to put aside, at least a little, the importance of letters and technology. Determining the legal basis without fear and with efficiency, everything is ready, we just have to take it and build what I call "The new code of the translation industry or NCTI". Without obtuse complications, this is about having the most basic benefits for the language worker who has lived as an employer or owner, in most cases, without any legal regulation.

The research and future explore of the different laws in different countries and above all, the awareness and agility of how we approach this construction, will lay the foundations that can offer us a better future. After all, we are the owners of the words.

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