Browse links of Diğer glossaries
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Hungarian Golf Magazine |
Angol - Magyar golfszótár
Glosario monolingüe de términos gaditanos. Cádiz para los no gaditanos.
Glosario de entidades peruanas y organismos internacionales con oficinas en el Perú
Asociación de Traductores Profesionales del Perú (ATPP) |
La ATPP ha iniciado la preparación de glosarios bilingües especializados (español e inglés). Pone a su disposición un glosario de entidades peruanas e internacionales con sede en el Perú a fin de contribuir a uniformar sus denominaciones.
Glosario de enología monolingüe en español que brinda información detallada de términos usados frecuentemente en esta área. Así como presenta información general sobre el proceso de elaboración de vinos.
Glossary of Textile Terms
American & Efird |
Multiple glossaries: textile terms, embroidery terms, thread terms, stitch terms, thread science and much more.
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
National Institude of Standards and Technology |
A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions including . Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to further information and implementations.
Southern Appalachian Forest Glossary
Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition |
Glossary of terms used in National Forest Plan Revisions A glossary of terms commonly used by the Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition, a collaboration of national, regional, state, and local environmental organizations formed in response to the threats facing the public lands and heritage of the Southern Appalachian mountains.
An extensive list of antique words and their updated meanings and usages. Antique words, or words of changed usage Consult the right hand for words to watch out for: words that are too modern, slang, or out of place in any attempt to render an old style. or antique flavor in dialogue or text Sometimes the meanings are vastly changed; Consult ... View more
Inventario Forestale Nazionale Svizzero |
Glossario e dizionario Qui trovate le traduzioni delle specie legnose presenti nell’IFN e di alcuni termini importanti incluso la loro spiegazione (Le parole su sfondo giallo possono rinviate a un testo esplicativo.). Per le loro definizioni si è fatto riferimento ai seguenti vocabolari o raccolte terminologiche: LdF = Lexikon der Forstbotanik... View more
Glosar privind piata interna - Glossary of Terms relating to the Internal Market - Glossaire du marché intérieur - Glossar: Integrationsstand der Gemeinschaft
INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN DIN ROMÂNIA - Directia coordonare traduceri - 03/2003 |
A four-language 600-page glossary on the EU internal market and acquis communautaire, quite recent and comprehensive.
Glosario-Vocabulario de términos religiosos y eclesiásticos para periodistas
Conferencia Episcopal Peruana |
Glosario orientado especialmente a los comunicadores sociales, esperando que con esta herramienta logren deslindar incorrecciones y ofrezcan en sus informaciones los términos de la Iglesia con esmerada pulcritud.
Flugsicherung Deutsch-Englisch
Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr |
Kurzer Glossar (ca. 1900 Einträge) Deutsch - Englisch Flugsicherung
The Occult Glossary
G. de Purucker |
A glossary focussed on occultism, magic and ceremonial magic. English only.
Esoteric Glossary
Fundamental Psychology |
A glossary of the main terms used in parapsychology, esoterism and occultism in English (with Esperanto and Russian translations). Explanations in English.
Collection of various wordlists French-English-German (main fields: commerce, politics, environment, law)
Cinema Glossary
MSN Encarta |
Basic, helpful.
قاموس فقه اللغة للثعالبي
موقع صيد الفوائد |
فقه اللغة وسرُّ العربية
Diplomatic glossary
The Washington Diplomat |
This Web site contains about 60% of the information included in our monthly newspaper, The Washington Diplomat. There are additional resources on this Web site that are not included in our newspaper. The Washington Diplomat is an independent monthly newspaper with a readership of more than 80,000. It is distributed to all Washington-based foreign... View more
Environmental education english-spanish glossary
Sandia Mountain Natural History Center |
A short glossary about Environmental Education
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words
The Hutchinson Encyclopedia, Helicon Publishing Ltd. |
Do you wish to express yourself concisely and clearly? Do you wish to write with precision? Do you want to stop repeating involuntarily certain perplexing words and phrases? You can search or browse this dictionary of more than 13,900 words to increase your vocabulary or just find out what those words really mean.
Poker glossary
The Official Dictionary of Poker (© 2004 Michael Wiesenberg) |
Full Tilt Poker
Gotzon Garate BBK |
4.045 proverbs in English, Basque, Spanish and Latin
Body Piercing Glossary
Sydney Medical Body Piercing Clinic |
An extensive glossary of almost everything having to do with body piercing
Foodsmart Glossary of Food Safey
Public Health, Rural & Regional Health & Aged Care Services Division of the Victorian State Government, Department of Human Services |
Detailed glossary having to do with food and food safety products in grocery stores, etc
Legionella Risk Management Glossary
State Government of Victoria |
General glossary of Risk Management by Legionella, including car washing, auditing, warm water systems, flushing, etc
Body Art Glossary
American Musuem of Natural History |
Glossary of the various forms of Body Art from The American Museum of Natural History.
Short glossary of photographic terms associated with underwater photography.
Basic glossary of both photographic and technical terms associated with Digital Photography as described by Radio Shack.
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on. This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane or heli... View more
Usability Glossary
Diamond Bullet |
The Usability First™ Glossary is provided by Diamond Bullet, a results-oriented web design and usability firm. We provide usability evaluation and integrated design solutions.
A list over common poker terms with explanations and translations where appropriate.
Lexique des services de santé (français-anglais)/Glossary of health services (English- French)
Bureau de la traduction (Canada) |
Dictionnaire des races de chevaux et d'équidés
Lexipue du cheval |
Dictionnaire des races de chevaux et d'équidés, Dictionary of horses and equids breeds
liste des abréviations et acronymes relatifs aux chevaux et à l'équitation. et les définitions. en français + traductions en anglais et en allemand
Poker je pun čudnih reči I izraza koje igrači koriste I ponekad se osećate neprijatno što ne znate na šta misle. Zato smo se odlučili da sakupimo sve izraze koje smo uspeli naći,I da pokušamo da ih objasnimo. Sakupili smo zaista dosta 826 poker izraza , ali znamo da ih ima još mnogo.
快速寻找各类最新资讯.请输入所要查询的关键词 个人简历词汇大全 Personal Resume Vocabulary Dictionary This is a list of common used words and expressions that you'll find in a resumes, both in Chinese and English translations.
A website in Romanian and English that offers a multilingual dictionary which seems to be updated very frequently with hundreds of terms and expressions in very different (especially multi-technical) fields. Term search is achieved through a search engine, and there is a dictionary log on the right side listing the latest registered terms. Of cours... View more
A collection of Naval slang, abbreviations, legends and historical tit-bits which was originally compiled by Commander A. Covey-Crump, RN, a former Naval Assistant to the Chief of Naval Information. The first edition appeared on 17th May, 1955. It is re-produced here and provides a valuable resource for researchers looking for answers to many histo... View more
glossaire de la vaisselle anglaise |
explications en français de certains termes concernant la vaisselle anglaise
Glosario de términos de vivienda
VHDA, Autoridad de Desarrollo de Viviendas de Virginia |
Glosario de español a inglés sobre términos de vivienda, con explicaciones en castellano.