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İtalyanca > İngilizce Bilgisayar: Sistemler, Ağ Ortamları Translation Glossary

İtalyanca term İngilizce translation
(scheda) a giorno without cover
A totale mercato for the whole market
abilitare to (provide) access
Entered by: Ivana UK
acquisto pro-soluto non-recourse purchase/acquisition
agenti mobili intelligenti intelligent mobile agents
algebra degli schemi a blocchi Block Diagram Algebra
and binario binary "AND"
architettura cooperante interoperable architecture
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
archiviazione,archiviare storage
Bilancia Set of scales / scales
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
brandeggiabili rotating
cablaggio strutturato structured cabling (system)
cartellino ticket/log
Entered by: F Filippi
cestello rack
Chiave di Accesso Login credentials
collegamento radiale o dorsale star of backbone configuration
contatori pacchetto packets counter
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
contratto di adesione adhesion contract
contributo di attivazione one-time activation fee
Entered by: Maria Burnett
cosi da renderci ancor più reattivi so that we can become more reactive/responsive
DEVMOB in architettura CUCM SME 9.1 (Integration tests between) DEVMOBs on a CUCM SME 9.1 architecture
Entered by: Maria Burnett
distribuzione in rete network distribution
diversi da quello sul quale si trova different to that on which (the requested page) is located
Entered by: Lara Barnett
duplicati & servizi attivi duplicates & active services
Entered by: Lara Barnett
elaborazione collaborativa shared processing
entità anagrafiche official registers
fase stragiudiziale Out of court stage
fattor comune common factor/common denominator or brought together (figurative speech)
file xml eventualmente non scodati via modem xml files not pulled out from cue using the modem
fornitore di connessione network service provider
Entered by: Judith McLean
funzionalità database relazionali multipiattaforma multi-platform relational database functionality
guidati efficaci efficient guided
Entered by: Lara Barnett
hub and spoke SME evolution Evoluzione \"hub and spoke\" delle piccole e medie imprese
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Identificativo dell’eventuale Trouble Ticket padre; ID of the parent support ticket if there is one
Entered by: Maria Burnett
implementato da sistemi di affidabilità supported by/inclusive of/equipped with reliability controls
in mandato data transmitter / data transmission (in context)
inforcabilità Fork liftability
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
inserire la resistenza di terminazione del primo e dell’ultimo elemento della rete insert the electrical resistance terminals for the first and last network components
linea di collegamento primaria primary transmission network
lista dei panieri list of groups
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