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İtalyanca > İngilizce Otomotiv / Otomobil & Kamyon Translation Glossary

İtalyanca term İngilizce translation
desmodromico desmodromic
l'imprenditore fa costo beneficio e il risultato e' scontato All the business owner has to do is weigh up cost()s-benefit(s) and the answer is obvious
Entered by: Maria Burnett
pattini forcella cambio selector/shift fork shoes/pads
Potere di accumulo medio delle impurità average impurity accumulation capacity
sedi e valvole modificati modified valves and seats
Entered by: Maria Burnett
targata More powerful
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
"scheda carburante" petrol / fuel expense sheet or record
(auto)registrabile (self-)adjustable
(monocilindriche) tassellate single cylinder off-road bikes
- Leggera irregolarità di erogazione in accelerazione slightly lumpy acceleration
Entered by: Maria Burnett
120 litri carburate per motori 2 Tempi 120 litres of fuel for 2-stroke engines
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
625 Nm di coppia da tenere a bada 625 Nm of torque to tame
Entered by: EirTranslations
a cilindro sdoppiato twingle
a doppia mandata (pinze freni) double piston
a due volumi hatchback
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
a manetta full blast
a passo corto short wheel base (SWB)
a ruota tirata trailing link
abbreviazione f.s. full scale (FS or % FS)
Entered by: Ulla Lundquist
ABS in avaria faulty ABS/ABS failure
acceleratore giri discontinuo irregular rpm accelerator
acciaccatura dei dadi squash
accoppiamento aletta fin coupling
accreditato di with certified (in context)
Acqua e sapone Unpretentious
Entered by: EirTranslations
acqua/glicole al 50% 50/50 water/glycol mixture
adrenalinica mind blowing
Entered by: EirTranslations
alberi di accoppiamento coupling shafts
alberini sullo stesso piano vedi post
albero controrotante counter-rotating shaft
albero di accumulo recovery shaft
albero intermedio intermediate shaft
albero piatto flat-plane crankshaft
aletta parasole sun visor
Entered by: EirTranslations
alimentazione fuel supply
Alla Schumacher, per intenderci That is, Schumacher style.
allestibile customisable
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
Entered by: Donovan Libring
allungamento telescopico telescopic extension
Entered by: Emilia Mancini
alquanto contenuti quite limited
Entered by: Chris Dravers
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