The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Fransızca > İngilizce Mobilya / Ev Araç Gereçleri Translation Glossary

Fransızca term İngilizce translation
"couronnement galerie" galleried
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
(banquette) clic clac (clic-clac) sofa bed
Entered by: Tony M
+ T / + T directe Earthed / dedicated earthed
3 plis à lattes triple-fold slatted [mechanism]
Entered by: Steven Capsuto
accotoir armrest/side table
accotoirs détachés à manchette plate à panneau évidé separate side panels with flat armrest on an openwork panel
Accueil comfort
Entered by: Andrew Bruch
agglomérés plastiques Particleboard / particle board
alèses massives solid wood edge-banding
anneau de fixation Hanging ring
applique touka touka wall-mounted lighting fixture
armoire de rangement équipée equipped cupboard
arrivee en force huge/major influx/widespread adoption
à livre ouvert book-matched
épurage polishing
équipement mobile du bâtiment mechanised installations
bague ferrule
baquette d'anglaisage splicing pliers
Entered by: Courtney Powers
billot de découpe chopping board
boule de lit bedknob
buselot baffle
cadreuse carcase clamp
Entered by: Zonia Clissold
Caissons bloc tiroirs drawer units
Entered by: Sara Mullin
carénage intégral integral encasing
côté salon Lounge area
chauffe-eau électrique à accumulation electric storage water heaters
cirés à la capucine finished with a transparent wax
Cisaille de jardin Grass and hedge trimmer
Coffre à dessins drawing chest // decorated chest // plan chest
Entered by: Helen Shiner
comparti sectioned
compas à gaz gas strut
composition layout
console d\'appoint occasional console table
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
contreparement peuplier poplar core/backing
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
contreplaqué roussi scorching of plywood
corps d'épreuve test piece / test article / test item
corps de meuble (kitchen fittings) carcass / carcase
coussin câlin the boyfriend pillow
cuir smocké smock leather
Décorations en image pictorial decoration
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