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İngilizce > Endonezyaca İktisat Translation Glossary

İngilizce term Endonezyaca translation
back-runner dinomor duakan
induced-value technique teknik nilai-terimbas/terinduksi
lend themselves to absolute units of measure cocok untuk satuan ukuran yang mutlak
liquidity pool kumpulan likuiditas
... offset by .... diimbangi oleh
Entered by: Regi2006
abstract away menjauh
accountable dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
Entered by: Dudy Soedjantoko
along the pathways sepanjang jalan setapak
american west Bagian Barat Amerika
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
Annualizing Penyetahunan / Anualisasi
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
antecedents of participative budgeting anteseden penganggaran partisipatif
anti-in-box recruiting. perekrutan tanpa lamaran
antonym of constrained less constrained
as given sebagai sebuah ketetapan
‘wet mess’ kantin alkohol
baby boomer masa ledakan kelahiran
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Backwardation was mostly the norm for the terms structure of prices backwardation sering dijadikan sebagai pedoman untuk menentukan struktur harga berjangka
Entered by: Regi2006
balance-of-payments neraca pembayaran
Entered by: Hengky Chiok
Bastard science ilmu jahat
Behavioural economics ekonomi perilaku
being clear memahami
Entered by: Dudy Soedjantoko
belonging to the largest end tergolong sebagai yang terbesar
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
beset didera
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
BID Spot rate. kurs tunai yang dikehendaki (calon pembeli)
block tariff system sistem tarif berdasarkan blok
blue print kerangka kerja
bond their promise menyatakan kesanggupan
Books and records pembukuan dan catatan
booming tumbuh pesatnya
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
buffer period masa transisi
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
Candlestick charts grafik batang lilin
capital reversals perubahan arah pergerakan modal
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
certificate of entitlement sertifikat kepemilikan hak
Channel stuffing penggelembungan volume penjualan
cluster gugus
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
compound rate suku bunga majemuk
continuing interest penjelasan
corporation perseroan
costs of financing transactions biaya mendanaai transaksi
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
create demand for the economy merangsang permintaan di bidang ekonomi
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
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