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2.1 - Ödemede bulunmazsam'a "üye" olarak kabul ediliyor muyum?
Hayır. "Üye" terimi üyelik ücreti ödeyenler içindir. (Başlangıçta "üye" terimi genel olarak kayıt yaptırmış herkes için kullanılmıştır;2005'te bu terimin anlamı bu siteyi mümkün kılan şeyin üyelik geliri olduğu gerçeğini yansıtacak şekilde değişikliğe uğradı.)
2.2 - Üyelik ödemesini nasıl yapabilirim?
Üyelik ödemenizi aşağıdaki yöntemlerden biri ile yapabilirsiniz:
3. Üyelik ödemeniz için takip eden sayfalardaki yönergeleri izleyin.
Ödeme yönteminize bağlı olarak, üyelik durumunuzun aynı gün zarfında yükseltilemeyebileceğini lütfen göz önünde bulundurun. Örneğin, banka havalesi ile ödeme yaparsanız, ödemenizi almamız 2 haftayı bulabilir.
Üyelik yenileme ücretleri ilk (yeni) üyelik ödemesinden daha azdır.
Bazı ülkeler için yerel ödeme seçenekleri mevcuttur; ilgili ülke vatandaşları yerel para birimi ile üyelik satın alabilir ve çevrimiçi fiyata göre indirim elde eder.
Buna ek olarak, yıldan yıla yapılan ödemelerin fiyatlarına göre indirim sağlayan iki, üç, beş ve on yıllık üyelik satın alma veya yenileme seçenekleri de mevcuttur. Uzatılmış üyelik yatırımcıları üyelikleri için üç ya da daha fazla yıl yatırım yapmayı seçen üyeleridir.
2.4 - Üye olursam yaptığım yatırımı geri almayı bekleyebilir miyim?
Bir garanti verilmemektedir, ancak mevcut durumda anket yapılan üyelerin yüksek bir yüzdesi yatırımlarının olumlu bir getiri sağladığını rapor etmektedir. Toplamda üyelerin yaklaşık yüzde doksanı bir yıl zarfında olumlu bir getiri elde etmektedir. Yüzde kırkın üzerindeki bir kesim 3 ay zarfında getiri sağladığını rapor etmektedir. Bunun mümkün olmasının nedeni her yeni müşterinin sağladığı getirinin yıllık üyelik giderinin üzerinde olma eğiliminde olmasıdır. (Veriler Haziran 2005 itibarıyladır)
2.5 - Üye olmak yeni müşterilere uygulamayı umduğum fiyatlar konusunda bir fark yaratır mı?
Evet. Üyelerin yeni müşteri edinme ihtimali siteye üye olmayanlardan dört kat fazladır. Sadece üyelere özgü yeni özellikler yaratıldıkça ve'a katılmaya karar verenlerin sayısı arttıkça bu oransızlık da büyümektedir. (Bu oran Haziran 2005 itibarıyladır.)
2.6 - üyeliği müşteri edinmeme gerçekten yardımcı olacak mı? Sertifikalarım/eğitimim daha önemli değil mi?
Bunlar birbirleriyle çakışmamaktadır. Üye olmakla görünürlüğünüzü arttırırısınız, böylece potansiyel müşteriler sizi (ve yetkinlik referanslarınızı) daha büyük bir sıklıkla bulabilir. Her şey bir tarafa, sertifika ve derecelere sahip olmak üyelikten edineceğiniz faydaları arttırır.
2.7 - Müşteri bulma söz konusu olduğunda üyelere (yani ücret ödeyenlere) neden avantaj sağlanıyor? Ödeme yapılmış olması ödeme yapan kişinin iyi bir çevirmen olduğu anlamına gelmez.
Çevirmenlere ücret almadan ticari işler yapmalarını tavsiye etmiyoruz. (Kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlar için çeviri yapmak farklı bir konudur; yapılan iş satılmayacaksa, ücretsiz çeviri yapmakta pek bir bir kötülük görmüyoruz.)
Aynı mantığı kullanarak; olarak biz birçok ücretsiz hizmet de sunmaktayız, ancak ticari işler söz konusu olduğunda, orada bir sınır çizeriz. Kısacası, ücret ödeyen müşterilere tanıtılmanız, ücret mukabilinde sunduğumuz bir hizmettir. Yaptığınız yatırımın karşılığında sizin için sıkı bir şekilde çalışıyoruz ve istatistiklere göre üye olmak profesyonel çevirmenlere bulundukları ülke ve tecrübeleri ne olursa olsun, bir kazanım sunmaktadır.
2.8 - Çevirmen arayan şirketler yerin neden çevirmenlerden para alıyorsunuz?
Çevirmenzeniz, ekibi olarak bizler sizin için çalışıyoruz. İşiniz genişletmeye ve mesleğinizi ilerletmeye yönelik araç ve fırsatları sağlamayı işimiz olarak görüyoruz. Çok sıkı çalışıyoruz ve üyelerimize mükemmel bir değer ve hizmet sağlamada başarılı olduğumuzu düşünüyoruz. Yaptığımız işler için ücret almak uygun ve gereklidir.
2.9 - Üyeliğimden memnun kalmadığıma karar verirsem ne olur--para iadesi alır mıyım?
Evet. tam memnuniyet garantisi sunmaktadır. üyeliğinizden tam olarak memnun değilseniz, para iadeniz almayı tercih ettiğiniz yöntemi ve hesap bilgilerinizi bildiren bir destek talebi gönderin. Kalan sürenin rayiç bedeli varsa ödeme harçları düşüldükten sonra size geri ödenecektir.
Not: Çoğu kredi kartı ödemesi satın alma işleminden sonraki 60 gün zarfında doğrudan iade edilebilir. 60 gün geçtikten sonraki iadeler PayPal, Moneybookers, çek veya banka havalesi gibi ödeme yöntemleri ile işlemden geçirilebilir. Yüksek havale ücretleri nedeniyle banka havalesi aracılığıyla iade yapmak tercih edilen bir yöntem değildir ve Western Union aracılığıyla iade ödemesi yapmaz.
2.10 - How can I benefit from the new automatic subscriptions?
As of 2016, new annual automatic subscriptions are available for membership, when you choose to pay via credit card or PayPal. Opting for a subscription costs less than manual renewals, and you never have to worry about your membership lapsing. You can, of course, stop or start a subscription at any time from your membership management page.
2.11 - Where can I see the status of my membership and subscription?
You can see your membership type, renewal dates, subscription and billing information, and manage details of your membership on the membership management page. To access it, mouse over your name at the top right corner of the site and select the option Manage.
2.12 - Üyeliğim için ödeme gönderdim, fakat üyeliğim henüz etkinleştirilmedi. Yanlış giden şey nedir?
Üyeliğiniz için ödeme gönderdiyseniz ve üyeliğiniz henüz etkinleştirilmediyse, lütfen bir destek talebi gönderin ve aşağıdaki bilgileri sağlayın:
1. Kullanılan ödeme yöntemi
2. Ödenen tutar (satın alınan üyelik kalemi)
3. Ödeme tarihi
4. İşlem numarası
5. PayPal / Moneybookers e-posta adresi (bu yöntemlerden biri kullanıldıysa)
6. PayPal / Moneybookers işlem numarası (bu yöntemlerden biri kullanıldıysa)
7. Banka hesabı sahibinin adı (banka havalesi yöntemi kullanıldıysa)
Bu bilgiler personelimizin ödemenizi belirlemesine ve satın alma işleminizi işleme almasına yardımcı olacaktır.
2.13 - Üyeliğimi sona ermeden önce yenilersem, yenileme tarihi ne olur?
Bir yenileme veya örneğin altı aylık üyelik promosyonu ile gelen bir yazılım satın aldığınızda, bu süre mevcut üyelik sürenize ekleriz. Örneğin, üyeliğiniz üç ay sonra sona eriyorsa ve bir yıllık bir üyelik satın alırsanız, üyeliği yenileme tarihiniz 15 ay sonra olur.
2.14 - Bir meslektaşım adına üyelik satın alabilir miyim?
Evet. Başka bir site kullanıcısı adına üyelik satın almak için, üyeliği kendi hesabınıza satın alıyormuşsunuz gibi işlem yapın ve sonra site personelinin alınmış bulunan üyeliği ilgili kişiye transfer etmesi için onlara meslektaşınızın site kimlik numarası ve profil adresini belirten bir destek talebi gönderin.
2.15 - Üyeliğimin bitiş tarihi nedir?
Fare imlecini site sayfalarının tepesinde görüntülenen adınızın üzerinde gezdirdiğinizde görüntülenen tarih üyeliğinizin bitiş veya yenilenme tarihidir.
Üyelik bitiş tarihinizi üyelik sayfası üzerinden de görebilirsiniz.
2.16 - Üyeliğim sona erdiğinde otomatik olarak yenilenecek mi?
Son defa üyelik satın aldığınızda PayPal'ın tekrarlanan ödeme seçeneğini kullandıysanız, üyeliğiniz otomatik olarak yenilenecektir. Aksi halde üyeliğinizi burada tanımlanan ödeme adımlarını izleyerek yenilemeniz gerekecektir.
2.17 - Tam üyeliğimi uzun süreli olarak satın almak/yenilemek istiyorum. Bunu yapmak mümkün mü?
Evet, tam üyeliğinizi 3, 5 veya 10 yıllık olarak satın alabilir/yenileyebilirsiniz. Bütün seçenekleri b>şurada görebilirsiniz.
2.18 - Tam üyeliğimi daha kısa (ör. bir yıldan az) bir süre için satın alabilir/yenileyebilir miyim?
Evet, tam üyeliğinizi sadece altı aylık olarak satın alabilir/yenileyebilirsiniz.
2.19 - Siteden bir süre yararlanamayacaksam üyelik süremin askıya alınmasını talep edebilir miyim?
Üyeliğin askıya alınması talepleri site çalışanları tarafından vaka bazında ele alınır. Doğum izni, yıllık tatil, hastalık ya da yas tutma gibi durumlarda üyelere üyelik sürelerini dondurma veya askıya alma olanağı tanınabilir. Ancak bu talepler bireysel bazda ele alınacak ve üyeden talebin dayandırıldığı nedene ait kanıt sunmaları istenebilecektir.
Üyeliğinizin askıya alınmasını talep etmek için bir destek talebi gönderin ve talebinizi incelemeleri ve bir karara varmaları için site personeline ilgili kanıtları sunun.
2.20 - What happened with partial and student memberships?
As of October 2016, partial and student memberships are no longer available. As time went by, these alternative options to full professional membership were being selected by users less and less. For this reason, and as membership has become more accessible, these options have been discontinued.
You can also see each new feature release in the Plus package, view introductory videos, and give feedback on the Plus service package landing page.
3.2 - Will members who choose the Plus package have advantages in the traditional directory over those who choose the Standard package?
Directory ranking will not be affected by which membership package you have-- sorting will still be done with members in the first layer of results (regardless of membership package).
3.3 - What is meant by new client channels external to in the Plus extras?
The internet is going the way of the cloud, and in principle cloud technology presents the opportunity for the team to take steps to promote the services of members beyond the confines of Imagine an LSP or client using, say, a mobile app to access you directly for translation or interpreting services, without ever needing to go to Cloud technology makes that possible, and we have been taking steps in that direction.
3.1 - How far along is the effort to establish that sort of new client channel?
Efforts are continuously developing, as it takes time for habits to change. We believe this is the future. What we have seen so far is that client activity at TM-Town is increasing, and separately, there are a few agencies already using cloud and API services to discover the services of members from within their own management systems.
Since 2018, is also in partnership with Boostlingo, connecting interpreters to end clients through their platform. If you are interested in becoming a Boostlingo interpreter, apply to the Interpreters Pool and submit a support request with your relevant credentials, and a team member will get in touch with you.
As new partnerships and external channels become available, will continue to announce them.
3.2 - What external channel-related features have been released so far?
These are all detailed on the Plus service package landing page. From there you can read about each release, view introductory videos, and provide your feedback.
3.3 - The value of the external client connections included in the Plus package is shown as U$D144+. Where does that figure come from?
The value of the external client connections is difficult to quantify at this time. But we can say that membership in one of the external channels alone, TM-Town, costs U$D144 and is included in the Plus package.
3.4 - I already have a paid TM-Town membership. What happens when I buy the Plus package?
Your current TM-Town membership will be synced/extended to match the renewal date of your membership. If you are on a paid monthly plan, your payments will be stopped. If you are on a paid annual plan, you will be refunded the prorated amount of the remainder of your membership period.
3.5 - I am not interested in TM-Town, and the concept of external channels seems too vague to me right now.
In that case, to be on the safe side, you might want to assume a value of zero for external channel.
3.4 - How is the value of the basket of tools from partners calculated?
That is the sum total of the value of licenses confirmed so far to be included in the basket. It is planned that more will be added as the Plus package moves forward.
3.5 - Will more features and services be added to the Plus package in the future?
Yes. Just as the Standard package has been continuously built up over the years, so too will new benefits be added to the Plus package over time.
3.6 - Will most of's efforts be directed at increasing the value of the Plus package, moving forward?
Although decisions of which package to include a new feature or tool in will be made on a case-by-case basis, it is safe to assume that the majority of investment will be made in increasing the value of the Plus package to members.
3.7 - What if I am not interested in some features of the Plus package?
If you are not interested in using a part of the Plus package, no problem, just don't use it. All of the extra services and features are permission-based, allowing you to use what you want, in accordance with your own preferences and needs.
3.8 - Can I upgrade from Standard to the Plus package?
Yes. In checkout, your current membership will be calculated into a discount towards purchase of the Plus package. The discount will depend on the length of remaining membership.
3.9 - Üyeliğimi bir alt seviyeye indirebilir / yükseltebilir miyim?
Evet. Üyelik türünüzü her zaman değiştirebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için sadece sahip olmak istediğiniz üyeliği satın alın ve bir destek talebi gönderin.
Üyeliğinizi yükseltmeyi seçerseniz, eski üyeliğinizin geri kalan süresinin yaklaşık yarısı yeni üyelik sürenize eklenecektir.
Üyeliğinizi düşürmeyi seçerseniz, eski üyeliğinizin geri kalan süresinin yaklaşık iki katı yeni üyelik sürenize eklenecektir.
3.10 - Why is there no money back guarantee offered with the Plus package?
The nature of some of the services offered in the Plus package means that third-party licenses, payments to trainers and other partners may be made by at the time of your membership purchase, and those will not necessarily be refundable to Instead of a pro-rated refund on your Plus package, you will be offered the option to switch to the Standard package. However, if you are in any way unsatisfied with your Plus package experience, submit a support request, we want to hear from you.
4 - New premium monthly membership option (with website, AI tool, and personalized consulting)
In September 2023, released a new premium monthly option for membership, which includes all of the benefits and tools of the Plus subscription, plus access to your own website and hosting, your own AI translation tool, and personalized consulting from the team to help you leverage these options to meet your professional objectives.
The new premium monthly option is available via a subscription at $25 a month. Considering that some of the benefits included in this subscription (a CAT tool, website and hosting, AI tool, free training courses, etc.) would, if purchased separately, cost around $25 a month each or more, this new option is the best deal that has offered freelance language professionals to date.
4.1 - What does the website service for Premium subscribers include?
As a Premium member you get your own professional website designed by experts, at your own domain, included in the monthly membership fee (website hosting, alone, can cost $25/month elsewhere, and website design may cost thousands.)
4.2 - What features are included in the hosting plan?
Premium member websites may have different hosting plans depending on the website’s purpose. For a complete list of features included in your hosting account, please contact site staff.
4.3 - Does the website service include domain registration services along with hosting?
Most hosting packages include a custom domain free for one year. You can connect the domain name to your site after provisions the hosting package. The free domain name voucher is valid for 60 days from the date of purchase. If the voucher is not used within this period, you will need to contact the Wix Support Center to request an extension.
4.4 - Can I upgrade or downgrade my hosting plan as my website grows?
The website hosting service offers support for general service needs. For specific, mostly technical issues, please contact hosting service provider support.
4.5 - What is the setup process for getting my website up and running?
Once you start your Premium membership subscription, you will be paired up with a member of the team to start working on your website. You will start by defining your website’s purpose, sections, images, texts and style. Then, staff will design a first version of your website, purchase and activate a hosting package for you, and transfer access so that you can add more information, update texts, localize it into different languages, and make any other changes that you consider necessary. In this transfer process you will also need to set up your domain (you may use a new domain name or use an already-registered one). Once the domain name has been set, your website will be ready for publishing.
5.1 - Do you provide email hosting along with website hosting?
Premium member hosting plans may be different. For a complete list of features included in your hosting account, please contact site staff.
5.2 - Can I request multiple websites?
For the time being, only one professional website is available for each member.
5.3 - Can I have my own website in various languages?
Yes. On Wix, go to “Settings” > “Language & region” > "Add Languages". You will need to add an extension to your site called "Wix Multilingual."
5.4 - How do I access my website/hosting account?
If you are a Premium membership subscriber and you have already had your onboarding call with a staff member, check with them. Or else, if your website has already been transferred to you, look for the “Manage website” option in the menu that displays when mousing over your name on the site header.
5.5 - Can I transfer my existing Wix website to a Wix account?
No, but if you are a member with an active Premium membership subscription you can request a new website to be designed for you by website experts.
Kurumsal üyelik, kullanıcısı olan çeviri şirketleri, ajanslar ve kurumsal dil hizmetleri sağlayan şirketler için özel olarak tasarlanmış üyelik seçeneğidir.
5.2 - Kurumsal üyeliğin avantajları nelerdir?
Kurumsal üyeler, dünyanın önde gelen çeviri portalı ve camiasının tam kurumsal katılımcıları olarak, camiasında özel bir görünürlük, ayrıcalık ve statüden yararlanırlar.
Kurumsal üyeler, özel bir Kurumsal üyelik kurdelesi ile ayırt edilmenin yanı sıra, Kurumsal üyelik dizinlerinin hem kamu hem de özel teşebbüs versiyonlarına dahil olmanın ticari avantajını da elde ederler. Ayrıca incelenmelerini beklemeden standart iş ilanlarını doğrudan yayınlayabilirler ve destek ekibine doğrudan telefon erişiminden yararlanırlar.
Avantajların tam listesi için Kurumsal üyelik sayfasına göz atın.
5.3 - Kurumsal dizin nerededir?
Kurumsal dizine, linkinden ulaşabilirsiniz. En üstte yer alan gezinti menüsünden "İşler & Dizinler">"Çeviri Şirketleri" bölümünden de ulaşılabilir.
5.4 - Profesyonel üyelikte edinilen ayrıcalıklar Kurumsal üyelikte de var mıdır?
Blue Board'a tam erişim, iş ilanları, incelemesiz forum gönderileri, etkinliklerde indirimler, powwow düzenleme hakkı vb. haklar da dâhil olmak üzere, bireysel üyelik avantajlarının çoğu kurumsal üyeliğe dâhildir. Ancak, serbest çevirmen dizinine dahil edilmek gibi, yalnızca bireylere uygun olan avantajlar dâhil değildir.
Diğer üyeleri etkileme potansiyeli olan netowrking özelliklerinin, ekibinin takdiri doğrultusunda değiştirilebileceğini veya iptal edilebileceğini lütfen unutmayın.
5.5 - Kurumsal üyelik satın aldığımda Profesyonel üyeliğime ne olacak?
Halihazırda'un standart bir üyesiyseniz, kurumsal üyelik almak için iki seçeneğiniz vardır:
Ticari faaliyetlere özel olan yeni bir profil oluşturup, bu yeni profil için üyelik satın almak.
Mevcut profiliniz altında kurumsal üyelik satın almak.
İkinci seçeneği tercih ederseniz, abonelik ücretinizin kullanılmayan kısmı indirim olarak Kurumsal üyelik fiyatından düşürülür.
Bireysel üyeliğinizin Kurumsal üyeliğe dönüştürülmesi için lütfen bir destek talebi gönderin. assigns an account manager to members to help you take full advantage of all business members' benefits and reach your goals.
In most cases, each Business paying member has a Success Manager whom you can contact anytime.
Şirketler, aşağıdaki durumlarda kurumsal üye olarak kabul edilmeyebilirler.
Blue Board girişi ortalamaları düşükse
dosyalarında, ödeme yapmadıklarına dair çevirmen ve tercümanları tarafından bildirilmiş raporlar bulunuyorsa
Ayrıca, mevcut kurumsal üyelikleri ödeme yapılmadığına dair raporlar ve düşük ortalamalı Blue Board girişleri nedeniyle iptal edilebilir.
5.9 - Kimler site üyesidir?
Site üyeleri halen ödenmiş birer üyelik aboneliğine sahip olan site kullanıcılarıdır. Üyeler belirli bazı önceliklere sahiptir ve site üzerindeki bütün veri, özellik ve müşterilere tam olarak erişebilmektedirler. Onlar gelişmekte olan ve çevirinin nasıl yapılması gerektiğini tanımlayan bir sitenin birer parçasıdırlar.
5.10 - Business member benefits overview
Recognized employees of a business with membership at inherit access permissions to the following benefits, listed by business membership tier.
Unlimited job postings and freelancer communications
Individualized training and support
Professional search assist by staff
API for your site or TMS application with provided development support
5.11 - Services for non paying businesses
Recognized employees of a business at are associated with their employer's identity throughout and have the following services available:
Non paying user business:
No business member badge
Unlimited employee seat administration
Access to per-use billed ProzPay service, a new way to pay your translators: ProzPay
Basic listing in the directory of translation companies: Directory
Access to preview Pools, pre-screened specialized professionals : Pools
Access to basic filters in the professional directory "Find" by ProZ: Find
Contact up to 25 professionals per day through job posts and/or professional directory messages, with additional contacts available
5.12 - What if I decide that I am not satisfied with my business membership —can I get a refund?
Yes. When you purchase your membership, you can request a full refund for up to 30 days. Full refunds are only available for your first purchase.
If you are in any way unsatisfied with your business membership experience, contact [email protected], we want to hear from you. A prorated refund corresponding to the remaining months will be issued, less any payment fees that have been charged.
Note that refunds for payments made by credit card, Skrill, or PayPal will be processed using the method that was originally used to make payment, —credit card payments are refunded to the paying credit card, Skrill payments are refunded to the paying Skrill account, etc. Due to high transfer fees, users who pay via wire transfer (either locally or to's bank in the U.S.) or Western Union will be asked to provide an alternate refund method —in this case, either PayPal or Skrill. may also provide refunds via check for those users residing in the United States.
5.13 - Can I upgrade to the other business packages?
Yes. In checkout, your current membership will be calculated into a discount towards purchase of the package of your choice. The discount will depend on the length of remaining membership.
5.14 - Can I downgrade my business package?
Yes, you can downgrade, but instead of cash being returned, your membership period will be extended based on the period of time remaining:
From Plus to Standard and from Enterprise to Plus, it will be extended by 25%.
From Enterprise to Standard, it will be extended by 40%.
6.1 - How do I edit the information on the business page?
You can use the edit icon you’ll find in your business page’s header:
Make sure that you complete all or most of the information across all five tabs. This information will help your business page be found in the Translation agencies & companies directory.
6.2 - How can I increase views on my business page?
Here are some quick strategies to keep in mind when trying to increase the views on your business page:
Make sure that your Blue Board record and your business page are associated.
Complete as many fields as you can in your page’s business data. Languages, industries, services and country are important for search filters, and information like your logo and your website will increase trust and invite clicks. If you have employees, remember to add their profiles and confirm them.
Be active on complete your profile (including a good profile picture, tagline and name), give WWA feedback to service providers you’ve worked with, post jobs, recruit service providers using ProZ Find, request entries on your Blue Board record and contact professionals using the directory
Consider buying business membership. Among many other benefits, membership allows your company's logo to be displayed in the Blue Board, and business pages are ranked in the the translation agencies & companies directory based on membership tiers: Enterprise members appear first, followed by Plus, then Standard, and the 40,000+ non-member businesses are listed after the business members. Each tier is sorted by LWA rating.
For more information about increasing your business page’s visibility, you can read this blog article.
6.3 - I'm a freelancer but I also outsource work as an agency/company, do I need to create two different profiles, one for each?
No, you may have only one individual profile which will allow you to edit your business page, post jobs on your company’s behalf, leave WWA entries in service providers’ profiles, reply to LWA entries made to your Blue Board, and all of the activities that relate to your business’ needs. At the same time, you can use this one profile to participate in forums and KudoZ, quote on job postings, position yourself in the freelancers’ directory, and get involved in all of the activities that relate to your needs as a freelancer.
To find out more about setting your account type to represent you as a freelancer and outsourcer, please see this FAQ.
6.4 - What's the difference between a business page and a profile?
A business page represents your business, and a profile represents a person ─as freelancer, freelancer and outsourcer, or owner, employee or representative of a company.
The profile is used for logging in to and performing Business page maintenance, job posting and contacting service providers. Individual profiles may be created for employees of your company, and associated to your Business page, so they can use to post jobs or overview your business activity on behalf of your company. Business pages show all the relevant information about your company as well as your Blue Board rating.
For more information about business pages and profiles, you can read this blog article.
6.5 - Do I need to be a Business member in order to have a Business page?
No, you don’t need to have membership in order to create a Business page. If you want to know how to create one, please see this FAQ.
6.6 - How can I create a Business page?
In order to create a Business page, you must first have an active profile (this is the profile you use to log in to the site, and to participate in the community).
You can create a Business page by going to your Profile updater and changing the account type to “Translation agency/company employee or owner”. As you type the name of your company, the following message will show:
You may also request the creation of business page via a support request. Please make sure to provide:
Link to an active profile registered for Translation agency/company employee or owner or Freelance and outsourcer which will be affiliated to this Business page.
All the necessary information about your company such as: company name, email, complete address etc.
6.7 - Can I have a freelancer profile and also a business page?
If you have a freelancer profile for yourself and also outsource jobs on behalf of a company, choose the account type “Freelancer and outsourcer” in your Profile updater and save the settings.
6.8 - What happens to my company profile now that there are business pages?
Your business page will be used to represent your company. Your profile is necessary to manage your Business page, post jobs, leave WWA entries for Service Providers you’ve worked with, reply to LWA entries on your Blue Board, and other site activities, but it should represent you as an individual ─employee, owner, representative of your company─, and not your company.
6.9 - Who can edit my Business page?
Any employee that has been affiliated with your Business page and who has admin rights can edit it.
You can add employees to your Business page by clicking on the “Add employee” button located at the top of the list of employees on your Business page.
6.10 - How many profiles can be created for employees of my company?
Each individual employee or representative of your company can have a separate profile.
If you have purchased a Plus or Enterprise Business membership package, you can claim two Professional Plus memberships for personal profiles that entitle the holders to hundreds of hours of free training video.
After the creation of these profiles, you can affiliate them to your business page by clicking on the “Add employee” button located at the top of the list of employees on your business page.
6.11 - How can I associate a profile for an employee of my company to my business page?
You can add employees to your business page by clicking on the “Add employee” button located at the top of the list of employees on your Business page.
6.12 - Why isn't my company profile showing my company’s average LWA?
Your company’s average LWA, along with your Blue Board record’s most recent entries and other relevant information, are now visible on your business page. Your business page is separate from your company’s Blue Board record, and the profile that you use for logging in, maintaining your business page and using the site’s other features, like posting jobs.
This change was introduced along with the new business pages. They are different from the company profiles that were used in the past. The advantage of business pages is their new design planned with the needs of businesses in mind.
6.13 - Why does my profile show that I'm an employee of my company?
This is just a designation that let visitors to your profile know that you are affiliated to a certain business and that you may be using the site on that businesses’ behalf. For example, if you post a job, it will show that you have an affiliation to your company.
6.14 - My profile shows an affiliation to a company I have no relation to.
6.15 - My Business page has a Blue Board record for a different business associated
If your Business page has been associated with the wrong Blue Board record, please submit a support request.
6.16 - How can I post jobs on behalf of my company/agency now that my company profile is a Business page?
The job posting process is the same. When you use the system to post a job while logged in, you need to select the option “I represent a company” in the Representation section of the form, and your business page will be automatically associated with the form.
6.17 - How can I merge my freelancer and company’s profiles?
If you have two profiles and wish to continue using just one, but don’t wish to lose your KudoZ points and WWA history, please submit a support request.
If you don’t have any KudoZ points or WWA history, you can close the account that you don’t use (by going to the Profile > Settings > Close account), or ask site staff to do it for you by submitting a support request.
6.18 - Do I have to show my business affiliation on my profile?
Your business affiliation will still show under the Affiliations section of your profile, as your Employer. This can’t be hidden unless you are removed as an employee of that business page.To change which business is marked as your employer, or if you wish to remove your business affiliation, please submit a support request.
6.19 - How do I associate my Blue Board record with my business page?
If you already have a Blue Board record and want to associate it to your business page, find your record and above your contact information you’ll find a button that reads “Associate to my business”.
6.20 - How do I add a logo to my business page?
From your business page’s header, where your company logo should be, you can click on the edit button and then upload an image file from your computer or use a URL.
6.21 - What if there is more than one business page for our business?
Please submit a support request to merge your business page.
6.22 - There is a profile affiliated as an employee to my business page who does no longer work for my business/has never worked for my business. What should I do?
You can remove the profile of a past employee “Mark as past employee”. If you do not know this person, you can instead click on “Remove employee”.
6.23 - I want to delete my business page, how can I do that?
6.24 - Where can I find a breakdown of business members by country/region?
In the Translation companies directory, you will find a button that says “Show members map” that will display an interactive map that is updated in real time as businesses become members.
6.25 - Do I need a username and password to edit my company's business page?
Business pages are edited by authorized administrators.
Business pages are managed by administrators that are logged in to their individual profile with employee status and administrator permissions for the business.
To manage your business page, login to your profile and navigate to the business page. If you don't have appropriate administrator rights you can send a request for admin rights by clicking 'claim.'
6.26 - Can I keep my freelancer profile and status if I'm an employee listed on a business page?
Yes, you can have a business page for your company and still use your individual freelancer profile. business pages are separate from your individual profile. If you are the owner or employee of the business, when you quote on jobs you will have the ability to quote either as an individual or as an agent of a company which you represent. Being an employee or sub contractor to a business will not prohibit you from representing yourself as an individual.