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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 29, 2014


Language Terminal – the translator’s project management tool

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Click here to visit the Kilgray/memoQ exhibit booth for more details and to download additional memoQ information.

It's no longer enough to be a good translator. If you are a freelance language professional, you have to manage your own projects and business as well: keep in contact with your customers, create quotes, track your various jobs, deadlines and payments, archive projects, and many other tasks.

Using Kilgray's free Language Terminal platform you don't need to worry about these tasks any more.

This session emphasizes profile management and project management through Language Terminal, including the creation of project records, quoting jobs, delivering translations. However, it will also touch on other value-added features of Language Terminal such as the import of InDesign documents into memoQ bilingual files (with preview), backing up memoQ projects in the cloud, and the sharing of light resources.

Attend this session to learn how to make your life - as a translator - easier and how to get more customers by using Language Terminal!

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