Official translations - contracts, certificates and court documents

Formats: Self-study training
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Legal translation
Official documents translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand
The objective of this course is to learn how to handle the translation of official documents generally regarded as the most important and most demanding type of assignment. Students will familiarise with the different characteristics of personal identity documents, contracts, licences, certificates and similar documents, establish and develop both the skill and the techniques needed for official translations in order to provide their clients with an ACCURATE translation that will be of equal LEGAL AND OFFICIAL VALIDITY as the original.

By means of carefully selected examples and thoroughly prepared training steps, students will learn how to translate different types of translations in the area of official translations based mainly on legalese. The goal is to develop the expertise in order to reach the point where the student will submit a translation that is a TRUE TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL pursuant to clearly outlined standards and thus reach the objective of functioning in the capacity of a certified court translator by applying for such a position at the respective authorities in their home country.

Finally, the course will provide students with the opportunity to learn how to deal with phrases, words or other items in the original document that are unclear, illegible, incorrect or typed wrongly and practice using notes and brackets as well as other tricks used by certified translators to render an accurate and faithful translation.

This course is not supposed to offer templates and solutions, but rather structured steps to acquire knowledge and skill based on practice and application of search engines and thorough research. A training forum is open for those who need help from the trainer.

This session requires doing independent work with suggested documents based on which accurate official translations are to be completed from English, as the source language, into your native and/or target language.

The session offers a wide variety of authentic and original common legal documents in US and UK English whereby UK English is presented through official documents issued in different member states of the European Union.

The exercises and tests should help you grasp the logic of legal documents and are meant to illustrate how to approach different translation techniques used in the broader area of legal documents.

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