• Amerika Birleşik Devletleri16:24
  • Hourly Rate$30 USD
  • Telephone
  • Video
  • Consecutive
  • Simultaneous
I have worked as a Portuguese escort interpreter in New York City. Additionally, I have worked as a Portuguese OPI for over ten years, besides acceptance of onsite assignments in court, conferences and other legal and law enforcement settings, such as depositions and interrogations. My career in providing the above services has spanned over 25 years.
Specializing in:
  • Evrak, Diploma, Ruhsat, Özgeçmiş
  • Tıp: Eczacılık
  • Diğer
  • Kamu Yönetimi / Siyaset
  • İnşaat / İnşaat Mühendisliği
  • Bilgisayar: Sistemler, Ağ Ortamları
  • Telekom(ünikasyon)
  • Taşımacılık / Ulaştırma / Nakliye
  • İşletme/Ticaret (genel)
  • Otomotiv / Otomobil & Kamyon

Language variants:

  • Source languages
  • Portekizce – Brazilian, European/Portugal
  • Target languages
  • İngilizce – US


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