Translation Glossaries from the Web
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English-Spanish Glossary of Terms Relating to Higher Education & Student Financial Aid
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and others |
This glossary is maintained and supported by a group of organizations involved in student financial aid and in promoting access to higher education to Hispanics throughout the country: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities,National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators... View more
Multilingual Thesaurus about Agriculture
Anders Møller and Jayne Ireland |
This work was completed on behalf of the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) Consortium and funded under the EU 6th Framework Food Quality and Safety thematic priority. Contract FOOD-CT- 2005-513944. This work was completed on behalf of the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) Consortium and funded under the EU 6th F... View more
Academic specializations
Prof. Robert McCaa - University of Minnesota |
This is from the Global Census Metadata Project and lists all the academic specializations provided by Iraqi universities in English and Arabic. It applies to most universities in the Arab world. (Note: Downloadable Excel sheet that may take time to open up).
equivalents for universities and schools, including titles, essential school terminology in English. Great source for PL-EN translators. Consistent with TEPIS terminology