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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 28, 2012


LiveDocs vs. alignment. How to cut down project preparation time

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Click here to visit the Kilgray/memoQ exhibit booth for more details and to download additional memoQ information.

With LiveDocs, Kilgray has taken memoQ yet another step beyond the conventional idea of translation memories.

In this presentation, we will show you how to save time by shifting alignment into the translation work phase; how to save costs by organizing translations into a collection of documents instead of a traditional TM; and how to enhance quality through leveraging even monolingual documents and binary files.

Speakers:Gergely Vándor
Gergely Vándor has more than ten years of localization industry experience. He started his career as a translator and software localizer at Moravia, where he quickly became a language lead. Later on he gravitated towards the technical aspects of translation, and after spending a short time as a translation technology consultant he landed at Kilgray, where he holds the title of Lifecycle Manager. For the most part, he is involved with practical interoperability matters, software releases and quality assurance, and maintaining some of the document filters. He has also had some contributions to the design and, occasionally, the code of the memoQ translation environment and other Kilgray products.

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