ES>EN Mentor?

Szczegóły ogłoszenia
Prośba - Mentoring
Od: Martin Cosgrove (X)
Zamieszczona dnia:Jan 26, 2020
Miejsce: Liverpool
Opis:Are there any certified ES>EN translators who would be willing to mentor me? I'm currently working full-time as a Spanish teacher, but have been taking on small translation jobs in my spare time.

I have a BA (Hons) in Spanish, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education and am a native British English speaker.

I am interested in copywriting/marketing and literary translation. I am a self-published author and am currently studying for a diploma in copywriting with the College of Media and Publishing.

Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Omów tę prośbę zMartin Cosgrove (X)

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