Apr 17, 2023 22:07
1 yr ago
45 viewers *
Spanish term

Quizás supendan. eso te ilusiona

Spanish to English Other Poetry & Literature
El médico se queja del estado del consultorio. Es la excusa que esperás, no querés estar ahí. No querés atenderte. Quizás suspendan. Eso te ilusiona.

..suspendan (el turno/la consulta).

Muchas gracias. Saludos


ormiston Apr 24, 2023:
Sounds like... Wishful thinking
Cecilia Gowar Apr 18, 2023:
A pesar de la falta de contexto, es obvio que a el o la protagonista le pasa lo que a todos cuando tememos enfrentarnos con alguna revelación sobre nuestra salud.
Cumplimos con ir a la cita, pero cualquier excusa es buena para postergarla, de modo que nos gusta la idea, que las circunstancias decidan por nosotros.
No creo que corresponda la palabra esperanza en este caso –no se trata de una solución, sino de la posibilidad de que nos otorguen una tregua sin que tengamos que asumir la responsabilidad por la misma.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Maybe they'll cancel. You sure hope so.

Con toda sinceridad, no hay suficiente contexto para darte una traducción adecuada del siguiente vocablo, "suspender", debido a las diferentes connotaciones que puede tener. No puedo discernir si están cancelando, retrasando o reprogramando la consulta.

Quizás (la) cancelen:
Maybe/Perhaps they'll cancel it.

Quizás (la) retrasen:
Maybe/Perhaps they'll postpone it.

Quizás (la) reprogramen:
Maybe/Perhaps they'll reschedule it.

En cuanto a la frase "Eso te ilusiona", hay muchas maneras diferentes de traducirla. Algunas opciones podrían ser:

You sure hope so. (Añado "sure" porque es una palabra que se usa mucho en literatura aunque no es obligatorio incluirla.)

You'd like to think so.

That gets your hopes up.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey : There's more context here: https://www.proz.com/kudoz/english/poetry-literature/7128250... and it supports your proposed translations.
1 hr
agree Carol Gullidge : … although I agree that more context is needed regarding who is cancelling what.
6 hrs
agree neilmac
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "many thanks!!!"
14 mins

Perhaps they'll fail you, that'll give you hope

The doctor complains about the state of the surgery. It's the excuse you expect, you don't want to be there. You don't want to be seen. Maybe they will fail you. That gives you hope....suspend (the appointment/consultation).
Peer comment(s):

disagree Jennifer Levey : There's nothing in the ST that corresponds to your 'fail'.//If the doctor is complaining about conditions in the protagonist's presence, there was clearly no 'failure' to keep the appointment. Also, esperás means 'hope for' here, not 'expect'.
46 mins
Fail to keep your appointment/agreement;
disagree Carol Gullidge : In English, failing someone means not coming up to expectations but isn’t the same as missing an appointment, etc. This just doesn’t work in English
7 hrs
Yep, thanks;
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50 mins

Perhaps they´ll cancel (it). You like the thought.

There are several ways of saying it, particularly the second part.
Peer comment(s):

agree O G V : una adaptación con sentido (y la primera). Además, "hope" no parece aplicarse al caso porque no lo espera, es una posibilidad que aparece y le motiva. Saludos.
4 hrs
¡Gracias! Totalmente de acuerdo. Lo que se intuye sin más contexto, es que sabe que tiene que estar ahí, pero no quiere, por lo que la idea de que suspendan le gusta.
neutral Diego Lopez : I just wanted to point out that the symbol in between "they" and "will" (or "they" and "ll") is not an apostrophe, but an acute accent mark.
5 hrs
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