Estudiante entusiasta seeking Esp-Ing mentor

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Запрос - Наставничество - Canada
От: Miriam Papps
Размещено:Jun 30, 2007
Местонахождение: Canada, Waterloo
Описание:I am entering my 4th year of Honours Spanish at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I have done extensive Spanish-English legal document translation related to refugees/immigration, and would prefer more experience in the legal document area. Given my limited knowledge of engineering and other fields, I would be most useful to a mentor in any of the following fields: Economics, Law, Music, Literature, Theatre, and related topics. As for availability, the summer is ideal, as it is less busy. I will have between 8-10 hours/week to work with you, my future mentor. During the school months (begin. Sept) I am limited to max. 5 hours/week. If you wish to my translation examples, I would be encantada de proveerlos. Muchas gracias...

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