Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 7 ara>eng التوصل being served/the communication/the reaching out/the conveyance pro closed no
- Dec 11 '23 ara>eng سيراودك حب تذوبقها it would induce you to savor it/you would love to taste it. pro closed no
- Oct 20 '23 ara>eng برنامج عمل زمني project management timeline/project plan timeline pro closed ok
4 Oct 14 '23 ara>eng احكامية التنفيذ rigorousness of execution pro closed ok
4 Sep 10 '23 ara>eng مجتاز فنياً technically acceptable/approved pro closed no
4 Aug 26 '23 ara>eng بعدد by pro closed no
- Jun 20 '23 ara>eng ومدى استفادتهم منه Student follow-up and finding out how useful it is for them pro closed ok
- Jun 5 '23 ara>eng وقد اقترن بقبول الاتفاقية involved with the first party in entering into this agreement. pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '23 ara>eng ولقوله تعالى and for God saying (Exalted be He/High indeed be He) pro closed no
- May 31 '23 ara>eng التركة burden pro closed no
4 May 28 '23 ara>eng كشاف street lamp/light pro closed ok
4 May 24 '23 ara>eng طالب الحصر requester of decree of distribution (of estate) pro closed ok
4 Apr 18 '23 ara>eng زيد وعبيد Tom, Dick and Harry pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '23 ara>eng عربة الركوب (الحنطور) horse-drown carriage pro open no
- Jan 25 '23 ara>eng راح كتب كتابه entered into a marriage contract pro just_closed no
- Jan 19 '23 ara>eng ضريبة الخصم والإضافة income and value-added taxes pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '23 ara>eng اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺮاﺑﻴﺔ raising the ground (with) soil pro closed no
- Jan 2 '23 ara>eng حين أوشكنا على الإنطفاء When we were about to be despondent/be on the verge of despair/to totally lose self-confidence pro closed no
- Nov 6 '22 ara>eng قمة الجسر on the top middle of a bridge. pro closed no
- Sep 16 '22 ara>eng الحركة القضائية والحركات الجزئيّة Annual and subannual moves/rotations of judges (of promotions and transfers) pro closed no
2 Sep 12 '22 ara>eng طبز stab (with finger) pro closed no
4 May 5 '22 ara>eng سياسة إدارة السياسات Policy and Procedure Department's policy pro closed no
- Apr 6 '22 ara>eng بقدرة قادر all of a sudden pro closed no
4 Oct 4 '21 ara>eng نشرة الاستخدام instructions for use pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '21 ara>eng المها its water (to be dried of its water) pro closed no
- May 2 '21 ara>eng الدفع بالتنفيذ Pushing/urging towards execution pro closed no
- May 2 '21 ara>eng مدى How pro closed no
- Dec 30 '20 ara>eng العرف المحاسبي Accounting Norms/Principles pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '20 ara>eng بي الزمن (time) has played havoc with me pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '20 ara>eng قوة التجاذب المتعاكسة counterattracting forces pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '20 ara>eng هم بالسفر proceed to travel pro closed ok
- Dec 4 '20 ara>eng الجريمة الأصلية White-Collar Crime pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '20 ara>eng مفتاح ۲ وضع 2-mode switch pro closed no
- Nov 4 '20 ara>eng على سبيل الامانة as tenancy deposit pro closed no
3 Oct 28 '20 ara>eng تسديد الضربات scoring goals pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '20 ara>eng الدارة house pro just_closed no
- Jul 22 '20 ara>eng أم بيت and ربة بيت housewife pro closed no
- Jul 11 '20 ara>eng الرقم الثلاثي three-number code/formula pro closed no
4 Jul 2 '20 ara>eng أتسوغ المنزل Take on lease pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '20 ara>eng النسب لها والسكنى being a blood relative (of blood relationship) and with whom she resides. pro closed no
4 Jun 8 '20 ara>eng لازم للحكم فى شكل الدعوى necessary/required for judging/adjudicating the case in procedure pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '20 ara>eng مفرض barred with (iron bars) pro open no
4 May 16 '20 ara>eng تعرض قانوني litigation pro closed ok
- May 8 '20 ara>eng الصفة المزدوجة opposing-parties representation pro closed ok
4 May 2 '20 ara>eng المعايشة (to peacefully) coexist/to live (in peace with each other) pro closed ok
4 Apr 26 '20 ara>eng انبره اثر ratified pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '16 ara>eng تماحي أسباب الحكم (leading to) Lacking Reasons of Judgment. pro closed ok
- Feb 2 '16 ara>eng اعتراض الغير ورد الاعتراض objecting to other party, and challenging its objection pro closed no
- Feb 2 '16 ara>eng دعوى حقوقية وإدارية civil and administrative lawsuit.claim pro closed no
- Feb 2 '16 ara>eng فضلا عن الإستخذاء dishonour pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered