Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 26 '06 eng>esl biological mother madre biológica easy closed ok
4 Nov 20 '05 esl>eng sociocultural sociocultural / socio-cultural easy closed ok
- Jul 14 '05 esl>eng contrapartida (in this context) deposit ??? easy closed ok
- Jul 14 '05 esl>eng envios (in this context) other mail easy closed ok
4 Jul 14 '05 esl>eng Secretaría y registro Registry and secretarial services.... easy closed ok
- Jul 14 '05 esl>eng en contrapartida for a compensation of... easy closed ok
- May 27 '05 eng>esl answer of sorts algún tipo de respuesta... easy closed ok
- Apr 17 '05 eng>esl Peacemaking conciliación easy closed no
- Feb 25 '05 eng>esl Co-operating out of poverty cooperación contra la pobreza (ver) easy closed ok
- Feb 3 '05 eng>esl debriefing terapia/apoyo psicológico (pos trauma, pos incidente) easy closed ok
- Feb 2 '05 eng>esl emotional abuse and mental suffering includes: el abuso mental y emocional incluye: easy closed ok
- Jan 14 '05 eng>esl legal findings and orders fallos y decisiones legales easy closed ok
- Jan 2 '05 eng>esl alienage extranjería easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered